Exclusive Interview with New York Based Experimental Electronic Artist “Chuck W”

Exclusive Interview with New York Based Experimental Electronic Artist Chuck W
How did you come by your stage/brand name?
Many, many names have been used and even more, tossed about back in the day when I wasn’t a solo act. Formerly, I was a drummer. And that’s why I rather like using my own name as a stage name as well – Not only does everything lie squarely on my shoulders, all you’re getting up there is me 🙂
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
I have a very exact and somewhat humorous answer to this question. I was 8 years old, high time to pick an instrument for the school band. I’d taken a shine to sax, of all things. Mouthpieces for the sax can be pricey. When my mother learned of both my interest and the cost, she swiftly pulled a drum set from the neighbor’s dumpster and advised me, “This is what I play now.” She got me private lessons from there and talk of stopping was never, ever permitted.

To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
Hard question. I am by no means fashionable. perhaps, if you like lazy stoner chic, I’m your guy, but even that’s a stretch. That said, it’s still an art form, clothing design, and fashion. I guess I’m a fan of anti-fashion.. people like James Murphy, or Thom Yorke. Guys who were so unfashionable they made lame cool. I’m certainly not getting any cooler…
On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?
As is the case with maybe half my releases now (?), this can be attributed to *drum roll please* a rush job due to a large, large mistake. The tracks had been mastered, release date scheduled, and even video shot. Was I going to let a silly thing like a deadline stop me?

What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
In a word; Insomnia. it’s both sides of the coin here. Great strength and a torrential percentage were higher on the scale of inconvenience. it helps work ethic, simply because, I don’t sleep. need to fill the time somehow. Then, you end up all out of it, though. You forget what day in the week you’re at and forget a crucial social media post, etc. it absolutely fucks with you. You have to learn to balance it, but it doesn’t play fair.
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
Fucking… huh-what?! haha. no. dear Lord no. I don’t believe I know the NAMES of the most prolific Synthesists yet, let alone even consider thinking of surpassing their ability. that’s the easiest question in all interviews!
What are your plans for the near future?
It’s kind of tough to say at the present. I’d like to think that I could drop all plans like a hat and magically hop on a tour bus tomorrow if covid stopped being a thing. logistically, I don’t know if that’s reasonable or feasible. so, there’s been plenty of time to plan. but, with so much uncertainty still in front of every participant in the industry, it’s tough to say you have plans of any sort. in a perfect world, I’d hopefully be playing some gigs around this general Tri-State New York area I live in.

Perhaps I can get lucky and stretch that a little bit further into a little bit of a tour. All That I can say I really have planned artistically is making sure I attend my own daily twitch stream and continue to tinker on my next LP that just does not seem to want to work its way towards the front of my brain matter.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?
I mean, gosh. so many people it becomes more a question of how not to offend, right? so, first, most important and my favorite critic; Katie, my darling wife has dibs on the first shout out.
I’d like to thank anyone who takes even a millisecond to stop and hear any of my music. time, unlike money, is wholly nonrefundable. for you to just HAND me some of yours? Wow. that’s just bonkers in my book and I can never be thankful enough to notice folks are actually listening. And, of course, the Netvio fam.❤️❤️
How can fans find you?
Every gosh darn social media platform ever. it will always be a variation of Chuck & W. Sometimes the NY is needed for fanciness. For a nice, pretty, organized list of those handles, please feel welcome to visit either Chuckw.com or https://linktr.ee/chuckw – Thanks!
What suggestions do you have for other artist like yourself?
KEEP. BEING. WEIRD. … And fuck the haters.
Website: www.ChuckW.Com
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://instagram.com/chuck_w_ny
Twitch: Twitch.Tv/Chuck_w_Ny
Bandcamp: Https://chuckwny.bandcamp.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chuckw_ny
Facebook: https://facebook.com/chuck.w.ny.1
Youtube: C/ChuckW
Linktr.ee – Https://linktr.ee/chuckw