Behind The Scenes
Seven Blogging Tips For Businesses
If you are thinking of starting a blog, or want to revamp your current blog, here are a few tips on how to make your blog stand out from the rest.
1. Blog Consistently!
Your blogging streak doesn’t have to be perfect; the important thing is that you be consistent. Do not post three articles one week, then nothing for a whole month. Inconsistency is the number one reason why many blogs end up becoming stale.
The more you post content, the easier it becomes. To become more consistent, consider creating a posting schedule and stick to it.
Some studies suggest that posting at least four times/week, i.e., 16 times/month, is best. According to one study, companies that publish 16 (or even more) articles each month receive three times the amount of traffic businesses that post 0 to 4 articles/month do.
While consistently publishing content on your blog is important, that does not mean that you devote all your time to creating content and articles for the blog. Get unlimited content writing for your website. Your main job is running your business, not writing and creating different content for it. Nonetheless, setting aside time in your busy schedule to blog can be beneficial to your business. If you can’t find the time to do it, then consider having one of your employees update the blog for you.
At Patriot Software, a payroll & accounting software company, we post approx. five times/week to ensure that the content on our blogs is fresh and up to date. Our blogs cover a variety of topics ranging from understanding accounting to managing payroll to business management tips for small business owners.
2. Conduct Keyword Research.
While you might already know that the content you create should relate to your business, you still need to ensure that it targets the people you intend to win over. What is the use of running a blog that no one reads? And that’s where keyword research comes into the picture.
Keyword research is an SEO process that involves looking up combinations of words that internet users might type into search engines when searching for information. For instance, how to light a campfire is something a novice camper would search. If you own a camping provisions store, you could write an article with the title “Learn How to Light a Campfire in 5 Easy Steps.”
The idea behind keyword research is to enable you to find words that you can incorporate into your article and throughout your posts to improve their ranking on search engines and their chances of being found by your target market. Furthermore, keyword research is a good way to get new ideas about what to write.
3. Consider Blog Length.
How long is the average blog post? When writing content for your blog, make sure that it’s long enough to fit the information you’d like to pass to your audience. Also, make sure that it’s long enough to fit all your keywords in it, so it reads naturally. You don’t want your articles to look like they are nothing but a string of keywords.
The articles you write should be quality and detailed pieces that you’re proud of — before publishing an article, ask yourself one question, is this something I wouldn’t mind reading?
Generally, longer articles rank best on most search engines. According to one study, the top ten results on search engines contained articles with an average of over 2,000 words per article. (You probably have already noticed that this article isn’t 2,000-words long. But before you scold me, remember that I am a busy business owner just like you, and it’s not a rule that all articles must be 2k words long! Always remember that quality is more important than quantity.)
What about titles? Titles are quite important, and not just for capturing the attention of a potential reader, but also for catching the attention of search engines. According to some studies, titles with 6 to 13 words typically receive the most traffic.
4. Incorporate Visuals.
Adding images and videos to your posts can help readers engage with your blog. Since most people have very short attention spans, do your best to ensure that your viewers absorb the key takeaways once they are done reading. Did you know that people retain 65 percent of information when written content is paired with visuals? That’s compared to 10 percent of information when there aren’t any visuals.
Therefore, consider adding visuals like charts and infographics to highlight the key points you are trying to pass through your posts. Doing so could go a long way in helping increase the time readers spend on your blog. Apart from that, it makes it easier for your audience to remember what you were talking about.
5. Address Customer Questions.
Another great source of topics to talk about on your blog is your audience. When the people you are targeting have questions about anything related to your company or business, take that opportunity to create related blog topics that answer their questions.
Answering questions your customers might have through your blog allows you to do two things. The first is that it allows you to answer common questions that often plague your customers. And the second is that it makes it easier for you to create actionable content that engages others with similar queries.
6. Invite Guest Contributors.
I understand that blogging can sometimes be time-consuming. If you are struggling to make time to write for your blog, you always have the option of inviting a guest contributor and have them create articles and content for you. This is also a great option if you want your blog to have a fresh, unique voice.
A different view of the things related to what you do can be enlightening, and could even help you gain a new perspective on things.
You could either request an industry leader to pen an article for you or interview a business leader and print the conversation between you two in question-and-answer format.
7. Do an Industry News Roundup.
Another great idea for your marketing blog is to publish a weekly or monthly news roundup. You could include top articles that you think your audience would be interested in from the past week or month, summarize them, and elucidate on how and why they are useful.