Meet Brooks Pilates Founder Sarah Brooks
Sarah Brooks is the founder of Brooks Pilates, a chic Pilates studio located in the heart of Chelsea, New York City. Since it opened in March 2020, models from New York’s top modeling agencies including IMG, Elite & Wilhelmina have all been posting sweaty selfies there. Today we interview the founder Sarah Brooks…
The first thing I do in the morning is…
After I get out of bed and give Midge some morning cuddles I make myself a glass of warm water with fresh lemon. This is a simple habit that I start the day with and it helps with skin & digestion.
The last thing I googled was…
Kroma Wellness which is a reset that uses the power of food as medicine. I’ve been into homeopathic wellness and healing from within. I’m interested in using these superfoods & beverages that nourish, heal and restore in conjunction with physical Pilates practice. Good for the body and mind.
If my days had one extra hour…
My bed! As a business owner and Pilates instructor at Brooks Pilates I’m often up early and teach late for my clients. So an extra hour in bed would be great… however I would not change my job for the world! I’m so grateful for this client base and our expansive class offerings.
The best beauty advice I ever received was…
Establish a good skincare routine early! My best friend’s grandma always looked amazing and when I asked her why… she said face cream starting in your 20’s! And that is what I’ve done.
My go-to workout leggings are…
For those of us with boobs & a butt … I cannot recommend solid & striped enough! Fits in all the right places.

When I’m stressed…
I go for a walk with my dog, Midge. We love to explore Central Park and around the city.
When my self-confidence has taken a hit…
I look in the mirror and give myself a pep talk. I know it’s cheesy but I repeat. “I can do it. Gd is always with me. I’m a winner. Today is my day!” Over and over.
My guilty pleasure is…
A glass of Gavi di Gavi white Italian wine! Love it.
My most memorable career highlight was…
Starting Brooks Pilates. I’ve worked for countless different corporate gyms and studios but always had a dream to open up my own boutique studio so that I could create an experience that filled all the gaps I saw in these other spaces— mainly a sense of community. When I opened during the pandemic I faced many challenges but have persisted to make things work. Celebrating the 1st birthday of Brooks last March was such a milestone… to finally be in our renovated studio space and celebrate the community together. It was magical!
For the first timer Brooks Pilates attendee…
At Brooks you will instantly feel a part of a community and love the results! Unlike so many workout methods that actually increase inflammation and stress on the body, this method of Pilates promotes pain reduction and mobility so that you can feel your best. Whether you are pregnant and looking for a safe/ effective prenatal program or suffer from chronic pain or looking to consistently show up for yourself… Brooks is for you.
When it comes to working out…
I am a lover of Pilates! But I’ve also taken up tennis. Fun fact: Pilates is great for tennis because it strengthens your muscles in a low impact way, so the body stays strong without pain.
A career achievement I’m dying to check off is…
I’d love to get into commercial real estate. I’m currently studying to get my license so that I can support small businesses when they are starting out.
If you looked at my desktop you’d see…
The Brooks Pilates schedule. Scheduling can be a challenge since client schedules are always changing. But we’re constantly working with clients/ instructors to add sessions to the schedule and make sure that we can be there for clients when it is most convenient for them
My most memorable travel experience was…
My trip to Japan! I visited Tokyo & Kyoto… It was such a unique experience. I loved the monkey mountain and the delicious foods. I also went to the hotel where they filmed “Lost in Translation”, the Park Hyatt which was such a cool experience. I loved everything about this trip and can’t wait to go back.
One thing people don’t realize about Pilates is…
All of the moves done on the reformer come from the mat format but with assistance/added resistance so therefore it feels different. But regardless of the format you choose you will feel that great burn in all of the best places! Pilates practice can also support improved flexibility, enhanced muscular control of your back, stabilization of your spine, safe rehabilitation of spinal injuries, increased body awareness and so much more.
My most treasured possession is…
My Great Grandmother’s Chai necklace. This was passed to my mother and then was given to me when she passed away. Chai is a Hebrew word and symbol that means “life”. This reminds me everyday to live life to the fullest and that I am connected to my roots & family.
One thing I wish people knew about me is…
How much I care about my clients beyond Pilates practice. My goal is to support their mental goals as well as physical! I’m also a mental health advocate and use my studio, community and platform to speak up!