Quickfire Questions With Model & Designer Anna Alimani
Anna Alimani is a Fashion Model, Social media influencer with over 450,000 Instagram followers and the Founder of Anna Swimwear. Anna Swimwear most recently debuted at Miami’s Swim Week earlier this year.
The first thing I do in the morning is…
Speak positive affirmations to myself followed by freshening up my face with La Roche and taking a few vitamins.
The last thing I googled was…
New developments in Soho for one of my real estate clients I know it’s a bit boring.
If my days had one extra hour…
If my days had an extra hour I would definitely use it to spend more time at home and focus on who I am who is Anna and what makes Anna happy. I would definitely spend more time on self discovery.
The best beauty advice I ever received was…
Its ok if others don’t see your value just make sure it’s not you who does not see your own value.
My go-to beauty look is…
I like something minimal and fresh, that shows off my youth. Some light foundation paired with some cute blush as well as a swab of lip gloss, well done eyebrows and and a stick of gum for fresh breath and blow dried hair does the trick show me.
When I’m stressed…
Think positively. I know it probably sounds like a cliche but I like to scale back and think OK what is stressing me out and what is most important and what can I control? I then like to take time to myself to re-center myself and focus on what really matters. I also am a huge fan of massages so if I do get stressed out I am most likely running to the nearest spa!

My guilty pleasure is…
I know it sounds stupid but I honestly love eating a chewy fresh brownie.
My most memorable career highlight was…
I think my most memorable career highlight would be would be recent actually! I got fortunate and I was able to land the cover of glamor magazine Bulgaria as well as Harper’s bizarre Bulgaria for the months of September and November. The reason it is so memorable it’s because my mother is Bulgarian so connecting to my Roots and being able to use my fashion experience to showcase my country means a lot.
When it comes to working out…
When it comes to working out I used to do a lot of strenuous exercises, I competed in track-and-field, cross country and cheerleading in high school. However I am now more into pilates, hot yoga, boxing and also running but it’s not competitive running it’s more for staying in shape. I like exercises that help strengthen your core help tone you and help keep your body and full agility.
Advice for a first time pageant contestant…
A good coach! I cannot stress this enough you need somebody that knows all angles of the pageant from working on your walk for the different segments of the pageant competition to having the right dress to having the right attitude to having the right Instagram post post leading up until the pageant and also having a very good photographer for your professional headshots for your professional headshots as your professional headshot is really what people see of you before the pageant and it can really set this stage for your victory or for your loss.
A career achievement I’m dying to check off is…
For modeling it would be to be on the cover of vogue and be signed with a major agency. For real estate it would be to be on million dollar listing and be a top producer in the New York region.
If you looked at my desktop you’d see…
What an interesting question but I’ll answer it nevertheless. There are a lot of folders on my desktop with the different photo shoots I have done for different magazine covers and different campaigns as well as a lot of documents commence regarding real estate state and also Microsoft office for all of my business needs.
My most memorable travel experience was…
I would say the most memorable travel experience that I had in a positive way was when I went to Paris for my birthday of 2021. I don’t know what it was, maybe it was because it was my first time in Paris ? But for some reason going to a different country for my birthday and being in such a beautiful city full of history really gave me this feeling of infinite inspiration. It’s very hard to describe.
One thing people don’t realize about modeling is…
Its not all glamorous it’s not all fun and it’s not all what people make it out to be. To really get to the top it’s not about how beautiful you are but it’s about how connected and how smart you are and how you leverage those connections.You could work very hard and do endless photo shoots and walk endless runways, but ultimately if you really want to be known, get on magazine covers and get on serious campaigns, it’s all about your intellect and connections.

The best advice for getting in shape is…
Let’s say the best advice for getting in shape is to honestly watch your diet and reduce your caloric intake by a couple 100 calories A-day. Very small changes can lead to an effortless long term weight loss and improvement in your lifestyle. It is honestly more about what you eat than how much you work out.
My most treasured possession is…
My phone! I know It sounds corny but my Roladex is worth billions. Like they say your network is your net worth! Technology has become so advanced these days you can do anything from your phone you can make amazing things happen with just a few emails calls and texts it is truly remarkable.
One thing I wish people knew about me is:
There are definitely 2 sides to me. One side is a very glamorous outgoing attention loving thriving model entrepreneur and socialite.. On the other hand there is also a part of me that would like to never speak to anybody and keep to myself and travel and not be seen by anyone.
Thank you Anna!