Myaar Moneir Exclusive Interview with Muzique Magazine
Myaar Moneir is an Alternative Pop/R&B Recording Artist. Singing for most of her life, she is known for her advanced vocal technique and range. Myaar sings soft, glossy melodies about her personal experiences through her fantasy-like perspective.
She is most inspired to write about what her creative journey teaches her. Some of her favorite artists are Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, and Aaliyah. She grew up in the suburbs of Ohio and moved to Los Angeles, California in 2019 to water her music dreams.
How did you come by your stage name?
My stage name is my birth name, Myaar Moneir, pronounced My-are Mo-nair.
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
This is the question I’m asked the most. Honestly, it’s just what I do! Since I was little I’ve loved music and knew it was my purpose because of the natural desire to do it. Thankfully my teachers made sure I knew of my talent, but I never sang because I was told to. I started viewing it as a career when I was fourteen, right before high school. I was a pretty depressed kid, but the one thing that gave me hope was singing and visualizing a future in music.
To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
I’m constantly dreaming about fashion and making mood boards. I like people with one iconic yet eccentric look that’s instantly recognizable. So I’ll evolve and have fun with it, but I make sure to keep my hair pitch black, face beat and I’m always dressed in something feminine, preferably reflective. Egyptian and arabesque vibes are a must for me, so I take a lot of inspiration from bellydancers. I also enjoy watching avant-garde runway shows. I recently started creating my own outfits, which you’ll see for the first time in my video for “Love Dreams”.
On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?
It was a combination of things. I love songs that make you escape, so I always want my music to feel dream-like and entrancing. When I heard the beat, I loved it because it had simple qualities everyone can vibe to. I needed a title to match that. “Love Dreams” was simple and said it all. But it can mean so many different things, which I kept in mind while writing it. The things you want you to dream about, and they’re usually what you don’t or can’t have at the time.

I have a tendency of attracting troubled men whose dreams have been crushed at some point in their lives. It affects the way they are in relationships, giving them doubts. But no matter what I go through in love and life, I always believe I can still have my dreams. So I’m singing to my lovers and listeners telling them to give in to their dreams because I feel the same way. It is also about manifestation and believing that what you want is already yours. I’m yours. I’m not going to hurt you, I’m going to give you everything you want. You just have to trust me.
What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
One of the greatest challenges I face is getting others to understand my vision before the fact. It’s made me realize how different I actually am. I’d say the greatest challenge though is keeping my mental health while going through the waves. I’ve pretty much mastered it by now, but I am an artist and a woman, so it gets emotional up in here. Even when I feel my absolute worst, I never give up. Even mentally. I have my goals, but I love what I do so I’m gonna do it regardless of what it physically brings me.
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
I’m not in competition with anyone other than myself, and I’m always the best I’ve ever been. I’ll be even better tomorrow
What are your plans for the near future?
We know now what I can do, so I want to take it to the next level. To go even deeper and express more of myself and my mind. It’s about to get interesting for sure.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?
Every stream, every comment, every share is much appreciated, so I want to first and foremost thank those people for supporting me. You know who you are, and I seriously love you. Also want to shoutout to my sister Angelina for always understanding my vision, crazy ideas, and helping me drive to LA when I moved. She’s a fine artist, check out her work on Instagram @asongforamelody. Shoutout to my makeup artist Alexandria Nichole, who is also my closest friend.
As I mentioned earlier, makeup is important to my creative expression and she’s always down for anything, as well as contributing her own wonderful creativity. She’s based in Houston, Texas, but flew to LA to shoot the “Love Dreams” video. We came up with really beautiful looks including an outfit involving body art which I’m so excited about. And of course, shoutout to my parents for allowing me to do what I love even after everything I did to prove myself. Ana bahabek!
How can fans find you?
I just launched my website myaarmoneir.com where you can find every link you need. Make sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel so you don’t miss the “Love Dreams” music video drop! Also, I update Instagram the most, so make sure to follow me @myaarmoneir.
What suggestions do you have for other artist like yourself?
Be original. Protect your energy. Trust yourself. Do what you love with and for love. And be kind and happy for others. Your time will come.
Website: myaarmoneir.com