Le’Ridge Stereo Interview with Muzique Magazine

Le’Ridge Stereo Interview with Muzique Magazine
How did you come by your stage name?
I’ve used linardridge as a pen name since the 90s to write poems back in the days. I don’t exactly remember why I chose that name, but probably because I used to find the name Lynard Skynard a pretty cool band name. “Ridge” connects with my spiritual nature. Only when you are at the top of a ridge, you are able to see the wonders of nature, and gather peace.
I wanted to climb the ridge of life is what I used to think. I started using “Ridge” as my alias with most friends and especially as a DJ stage name for few years. Since I have a new gig now, I wanted to go with Le’Ridge (Le as a short form for “linard”, but at the same time used as “the” in french), but the name was already taken by another Canadian singer.
I didn’t want to spoil his gig there, so thought it made more sense to go with Le’Ridge Stereo since I plan to collaborate with other talents for the love of music and make it more of an “experience” than the “artist”. I’ve always had a thing for classics, and when it comes to music, it’s the Stereo that delivers the sound. And the stereo goes Boom!
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
I have always been heavily fascinated by lights and sounds. When it comes to music, the farthest I remember is during the 90s when I was in Nepal, and my sister would bring home all these borrowed cool cassettes of western music from her friends at school. I started consuming more music and explored more genres on MTV and radio. I was getting hooked! Then, on school days around 97, we were required to enroll in Music class.
I ended up getting signed up for drums. I played drums for a good chunk of time with a wannabe thrash metal band back then. All we were doing was making noise back then. We went to competitions and local gigs in Kathmandu; couldn’t go far with it because a couple of us had to leave the country to pursue our college in the US. Not sure if it would’ve gone anywhere even if we stayed back. I still have vivid memories of how a bunch of teenagers was running around from one recording studio to the other when there were literally 3 days left for the flight trying to get a studio to record our songs.
We had a few of our originals that got us selected for 6th place in a local inter-college music competition, and we really wanted to take an audio memory of our creation with us. Now those have become memories, and there are rough fragments of the dark lyrics and music we did, ringing in the back of my head.
When I got to college, met a bunch of music enthusiasts looking to jam and perform. We used to have fun in small community gigs. Around mid to late 2000, I got curious about DJing, and so I started learning on my own and used to DJ at International college parties.
I got in few lessons at Scratch Academy and Dubspot, but DJing at gigs was short-lived after college. Moving from one State to the other, as my career as an IT consultant took me to different parts of the States, one thing that always stuck with me was the music and tunes of my life.
Around 2016, I borrowed a guitar from a friend to learn few tunes. It’s a classical guitar and it has been through a lot along with me. It wasn’t until last year that I really got to sit down with the guitar, learn, and at the same time create my own songs.
I was going to record all songs as a personal memoir for myself. However, along the way, I met Rebecca and Diwas who showed me some hope for collaboration and a bigger agenda to work on. I Finally convinced myself that maybe it’s worth putting a few of them out there for people that can relate and vibe to my tunes. Hence, the birth of Le’Ridge Stereo
To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
I have a lot of influences from many people, not just in music. It’s a tough question, but here are a few of the one’s I craze:
Eagle Eye Cherry, Hozier, 3 doors down, Ian Flannigan, Mr. Fijiwiji, Ben Howard, Nina Simone, Cesario Evora, Kaleo, Roberta Flack, Ben Harper, Bliss N Eso, Godsmack, Pantera, Tash Sultana, Robin N Looza, Dub FX, Maneskin, Odesza, Kygo, Fort Minor, Eddie Vedder, David Gray, Metallica.
On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?
Another Sun is a song of hope in times of despair. 2020-21 has been a struggle for everyone – being quarantined, isolated, and socially distanced. The feeling of being lonely has been amplified during this time. The news of family and friends suffering, businesses closing, and people facing financial crises are among many untold stories.
Everyone has had their own struggles, but in the midst of it all, we realize that with the love and support from friends and family, we can stay strong and find the courage to make it through another day, another sun.

What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
The greatest challenge has always been to find the right people with interests to collaborate and elevate the expression of art because music has different layers, and I realize my shortcomings in presenting content better than what collaboration would bring to the table.
Even when you finally find other talents to work with, priorities and schedules are a challenge across almost all industries. This album went through a bit of back and forth and required some convincing to get to here. However, we are happy, we are here!
I work on multiple projects, not just music. It’s hard for me to keep my focus on one thing when most of the time I’m switching between:
1. building an app that I am trying to launch for international communities – Youbbler
2. sales and management of a board game I produced – Youbble Burza
3. provide training as an IT consultant & Coach to freshers in Corporate IT.
4. Music
5. Running around with Life
6. Making tough decisions on what food to eat
So, work ethics in terms of music has always been based on my mood, the setting, the feelings, the emotions, the spiritual state of mind, and what sounds of strings connect with the moment, record it, and build upon it
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
Nope, most of the time I go through imposter syndrome even in things that I hear I do good.
What are your plans for the near future?
I will be releasing 7-8 singles occasionally over the next year for people to consume.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout-outs?
Shoutouts to Rebecca, Diwas, Jubin, Lyl, Neha, Pratisthna, Sini, Dawa, Kinjo, Ela, Alejandro, Manny, Lyam, Vinil, Vandy, Neeraj, Saurava, and all my network of friends and family who have been trusting me and supporting the crazy ideas I wake up to every now and then
How can fans find you?
What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?
Well, it’s okay to take your time. There is no right time until you feel it right. Create art for your sake, add love for the sake of others. Let the process not wear you down. Keep creating and you will be found.