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VelSEOity’s Reputation Management Tips for More Positive Reviews

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VelSEOity’s Reputation Management Tips for More Positive Reviews

Better reputation management requires more positive reviews and a lot of businesses could improve their processes.

We talked to Cormac Reynolds of VelSEOity about the matter.  VelSEOity performs reputation management for numerous businesses in the SME sector and sees the same mistakes again and again according to Cormac. So, here are some tips to get more positive reviews and improve reputation management

Ask For Them

Even though this may seem very simple and obvious, it is actually one of the most effective. You and your staff should be asking customers to provide feedback as often as possible. Did you know that almost 70% of customers are genuinely happy to leave a review and will do so when they are asked?

Display On Countertop

You can also place a small display on the countertop. Tent cards are ideal for this type of display.

These tent cards will prompt your visitors to leave a review. You can also place a sticker on the front door informing visitors that they can leave a review on websites such as Yelp, Foursquare, and TripAdvisor when they check-in, during their stay or when they are ready to check out.

Email Campaign

If you collect the email addresses of your customers, you can take a few moments and send out an email campaign several days after their last visit or purchase and kindly ask them to review your business. To save time, you can use software to automate this process so you can focus on other aspects of your business. A popular tool that you can use for this process is Square Marketing.

Customer Service Reviews

There is no business that has ever existed that has not had to deal with questions, complaints, concerns, etc. from customers. Once you and your customer service staff have resolved the customer’s issues to their satisfaction, you can ask the customer if they would like to leave a review of your company on Yelp and/or Google, etc.

Try to make this a permanent addition to your customer service protocol. By doing so, you will begin to notice more customer reviews for your company.

Software For Customer Reviews

There is a range of software tools available that business owners can use to that specialize in online review management and customer engagement and interaction for online reputation protection and reviews.

Offer Incentives

You will have to be extremely careful with this method if you decide to offer your customers an incentive for leaving a review. The majority of review sites do not like this type of practice and, in some cases, your company may even be penalized and your listing removed if the site finds out that your customers received monetary incentives to leave reviews.

With that said, you could offer a small incentive such as a discount on their next order or a small drink from your restaurant is an effective and simple way to get more reviews for your business.

Social Media Platforms

If your business has a social media presence (and it should), encourage your followers, fans, and subscribers to leave periodic reviews on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, etc. This will also open your business up to critiques and criticisms from some people, but it will help to increase the number of reviews your company has.

Send Postcards for better reputation management

Yes, you can still use snail mail to connect with your customers by sending them a personalized postcard that suggests Velseoity. You can ask them to leave a review and personalized postcards are an effective way to make your customers feel special and more likely to appreciate the time and effort you put into that simple gesture.

Send Review Reminders When Invoicing

You can add a couple of sentences at the bottom of your invoices asking customers to leave reviews. If your invoices are digital, include a live link.

Push Notifications

Are your customers already enrolled in your company’s loyalty or rewards program? If you are using a program like Loopy Loyalty, a push notification asking them to leave a review can be sent to the customer’s smartphone after they have left your business. You can add a small incentive to their next purchase or add reward points.



Alfred Munoz Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Real Estate Professional

Alfred Munoz, is an American Army Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Real Estate Advisor with over 20 years of experience in the Music Industry, Leadership, Management, and Branding.

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