Jasmine Interview with Muzique Magazine
How did you come by your stage/brand name?
JASMINE comes from my original name, Jasmine that my parents chose for me at birth. Just more accentuated. My mum is a florist so she chose the name from a bunch of different flowers. I just decided to use that as my stage name as it’s my identity. I wanted to stay as close to myself as possible.
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
I have been singing since I was around 6/7 years old. My love for music started with my Grandad, who taught himself to play guitar at 7 years old. He would always play guitar at family events and would let the grandchildren play around with his guitars. Me and my cousin used to pretend we were in a band in my grandad’s music room. He would set up the mic stands, and guitars and let us sing and play until our hearts’ content. Even if we had no idea how to play guitar.
Being surrounded by music just felt like home and nothing else has ever compared to it. Music has been and always will be my sanctuary. I’ve always wanted to pursue a music career but I don’t think I had enough courage as I lost my path for a while and focused on other things. That is until I had the opportunity to sing to the people I look up most to, The Rose. They gave me the confidence and encouragement I needed to continue pursuing music. To this day I still think of the advice I was given, to keep me motivated.

To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
I think I would accredit my sense of style to my travels in South Korea. I love Korean fashion but I think I put my twist on it. I’ve always enjoyed fashion, it’s so expressive just like music. It’s fun to choose different outfits and colors based on how you’re feeling that day. I like to be unique in my style with an edge as I think that best represents me as an artist.
On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?
I came up with the concept as a very close friend of mine was battling a terminal illness and I aimed to just help put a smile on her face and anybody else struggling. As my name is a flower, my whole concept is flowers. I did a lot of research online and chose the yellow rose as my concept as it significantly hope and friendship.
The Hopes Not Gone single artwork is a yellow rose surrounded by a ring of fire. The fire represents chaos and life struggles but standing tall, blooming is the yellow rose untouched by the fire surrounding it. I decided I wanted the song to be open to interpretation based on each person’s feelings when hearing it. I’m so glad it has managed to do just that and the feedback I’ve had from people worldwide is so beautiful.
What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
I think my greatest challenge is learning how everything works as an artist. When you’re an indie artist you have to learn to understand contracts and everything yourself. It’s definitely been a challenge but I have a great team of people surrounding me and I’m just having fun learning with and from them.
My biggest attribute in all of this is my creativity. I don’t think I knew the extent of my creativity until I sat down alone, with a pen and paper, and planned my first release. I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve and I made sure I worked my hardest to achieve it.
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
I wouldn’t say I’m the best because I don’t like to put myself on a pedestal. I will say that I try my hardest with music and I just love the journey. I’ve never worked so hard at something before. I’m always working on future releases on my phone or computer in my spare time.
I’ve learned so much in just a short space of time after releasing my first single. The journey is what matters most to me. I think I’m the best version of myself and I want nothing more than to spread positivity and lyrics that help others feel less alone. The same way the artists I look up to most have done for me.

What are your plans for the near future?
I have an EP coming out in the new year. I can’t spoil too much as it has not been released yet but it has 2 tracks and Hopes Not Gone is one of them. The second song on the EP is a lot darker whereas Hopes Not Gone has this bright airy feel to it. I also have plans for some collaborations and my first full-length album. Which I’ve already started working on.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout-outs?
Firstly, I would like to thank the Korean, Indie Rock Band “The Rose” for encouraging me to sing during their Q&A. I quit music for a long time and I lost my purpose. They showed me the way back to the path I knew deep down was the only path for me. None of this would have been possible without their encouragement. And of course have to thank my community, my wonderful Bloomers.
Their support and belief in me is out of this world. I love how open we can be together. My promise to them is that I’ll continue to work harder and better myself always as an artist. My aim in all of this is to bring people together to spread Hope, Healing, and Love. Thirdly, I’d like to thank my manager Oliver Moheda for believing in me as a small indie artist and helping me to achieve the goals I’ve set for myself.
How can fans find you?
You can find me on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Spotify, I also recently opened up a website where you can keep up to date with everything upcoming officialjasmine.net I love connecting with people and I’m very active on my socials.
Instagram | Tiktok | Youtube | Spotify | Website
What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?
Spread love and positivity. Be true to your words and help to heal. Whatever your purpose is in this world, we all have the capability of achieving it. Do it for yourself. If you haven’t found your purpose yet, keep trying different things. It’s never too late to start something.