Interview with Nomad Mr. Murk City
How did you come by your stage name?
I’ve always been on the go so it just kinda fit me. Some days I would hit up 3-4 cities making moves. One night at the club one of my big homies telling me, “bruh you like a muffucin nomad..”, so it just stuck. And I’m from Sumter, SC aka Merk/Murk City.. so I just started calling myself Mr. Murk City cause I go hard for my city.
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
Coming up as a jit rapping was what we did before school, after school, and on the block to kill time. You know cafeteria cyphers, just to see how nice with the flow. It was just a hobby then. Didn’t even think to take it seriously until later in life because people would ask me, “yo you still spittin?” Then one year I decided I would make a mixtape for my folks round the way to rock with.
Ended up pressing up over 5,000 CDs one by one and start selling them. At that time I was just recording wherever there a microphone. I’m talking about recording in closed ya/bathrooms, home-made shack studios.. hell we turned my grandfather’s old store into a studio and I put out my first mixtape. The sound quality was trash but at that time it was all about trying to make something out of nothing. And it still is today. I just stepped up my hustle and working with professionals who know how to make hot records.

To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
I just do me. I‘m not overly flashy but I like having nice things. I like Versace, Dolce & Gabanna.. but give me some fresh jeans, a white tee, some AirForce1’s and a custom-fitted and I’m Gucci.
On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?
I’m dropping my first album called Trap Bible late August/early September on all major platforms. We just finished recording the last three tracks and I have some dope features on it from Moviee215, Lucho, and Reezie Roc. And my production team is crazy too, tracks produced by TNTXD, Supamario, InternationalWigg, Hood Hozay, and Litboy Legendary.
And my engineer is the one and only David Knocks. So needless to say this album has a lot of heat. Trap Bible broken-down is “Take Risks And Prosper, Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”, when you’re hustling you’re taking a risk. When you start a business or decide to change something in your life for the better you’re taking a risk. So it just made sense for me to call it Trap Bible. Whatever you do make the ends meet is your trap. You’re trapping, make it count.

What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
Some of the greatest challenges have been just establishing myself as a professional artist. For a long time, it just felt like I was pushing a boulder up a mountain. It seemed like whenever I’d get to a certain point something would happen that would cause me to have to fall back for a minute and regroup. Trying to navigate the music industry in this ever-changing consumer landscape is a task in itself.
Let alone learning the business aspect of the music industry on top of being an indie artist. Basically I’ve done the work of 5 or more people. Thank God for my PR Tasha, she been holding me down for a minute helping keep me focused and finding new opportunities.
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
Hell yeah, I’m the best at what I do, there’s only one me. This industry has a million rappers who sound/look alike, but when it comes to me I’m a limited edition.
God broke the mold when he made me for real. And my morals and personal experiences molded me to be the man that I am today. Not being cocky even though rap is a competitive sport it just is what it is. That’s why I’ve been blessed to still be here making these power moves.
What are your plans for the near future?
To keep making music people can feel and vibe too. I’m planning to shoot more videos and really take things to another level lyrically, visually and professionally. I’ve been doing a lot of features for other artists lately so just working on expanding and reaching new and different markets.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?
I have to give praises to The Most High God, my Beautiful Mother, and Father, My Brothers/Sisters, nephews/nieces, other Family and Friends, my Day 1 & Day 2 supporters/fans… I love all y’all! Big ups to my PR Tasha, my engineer David Knocks, all the other artists and producers, videographers, radio/club DJs, my hometown Murk City, the whole state of South Carolina, and all my Washington, DC folks one love!
How can fans find you?
You can find me on Instagram and Twitter @Nomad803 or my website
What suggestions do you have for other artist like yourself?
Keep God first. Believe in yourself and don’t be scared to take a leap of faith if you believe in doing something you’re passionate about. Create a game plan and execute.