Exclusive Trance Fury Interview with Muzique Magazine
How did you come by your stage name?
I’m so glad you asked this question because my name is a source of confusion. I go by “Trance Fury” and because of this many people see the word “Trance” and assume I’m a hardcore trance artist. That’s really not the case entirely. Fury is my surname and back in the mid 90’s “Trance” music was not what it is today. I used the term “Trance” to actually mean something that mellows you out, thus “Trance Fury”.
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
Well, I started learning Piano at age 5 and spent my grade school years listening to the radio nonstop with all the great late 70’s early 80’s hits. It was a great time in my life where, as a kid, you could still roam around the neighborhood without fearing anything. Something about music kicks the dopamine in overdrive and it can trigger all kinds of emotions and memories.
Most of these are from impressionable periods in my life like when I started college it was the grunge era. Put those two together and you have unforgettable memories. Music has always been in my blood so the grunge era was when I started taking music much more seriously as an artist and creative outlet for emotional well-being.
To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
There are so many artists I can name because I’m not stuck with one genre but I favor progressive rock/metal and melodic progress electronic music. The Absolute #1 artist credit for my inspiration is Marillion. Very under appreciated progressive rock band from the UK. They’ve been around for over 40 years.
If I had to pick one from every era of music I would say 70’s Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, 80’s Rush, 90’s too many to name but Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, 311. The mid-90s and beyond is when I hit my electronic period. Chicane, Armin Van Buuren, Cosmic Baby, and anything that came out of Europe during that period also.
On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?
Love this question because my albums are ALL conceptual. Hence the prog-rock influences. But because you asked, you’re getting the scoop on the new album first since I haven’t announced the full title yet. The new album I’m currently working on will be called “The Simple Things”. The new single dropping February 3rd, 2023 is called Rediscovering.

Exclusive Trance Fury Interview with Muzique Magazine
The Simple Things concept is one where we go back to basics in our lives. The whole world just came out of a pandemic and is just getting back to normal. Many people stopped and thought about what was important during that period. This album is just that. The Simple Things.
What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
Many times the greatest challenge is actually finding the time to sit down for long periods to get the creative momentum for songs and albums. Having a family and a teenage son on the spectrum (ASD) comes first. My son keeps me on my toes because he’s so damn smart!
One thing though is when I put my mind to an album it’s going to get done. Being a Capricorn means once I start something I’m going to finish it one way or another. Could be years down the road but it’ll get done!
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
Not by far! I know I write music that people enjoy listening to so that’s all that matters. I’m not perfect and don’t claim to be and I’m of the mindset that you’re always learning! No matter how old you are. The old dog, new tricks thing is false!
What are your plans for the near future?
Continue to write music for as long as I can! Grow my fan base, meet new people, and have fun with my family camping, fishing, and golfing.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shoutouts?
My parents, sisters, my wife, and my son. They are always so supportive. Even though a few of them don’t care for the music I write they know it keeps me sane! Nick Kisler for always being a hell of a friend mixing, mastering, and offering assistance with nothing in return.
Though I sent him a bottle of whiskey that I hope he’s enjoying. 🙂 My buddy Eddie Easterly who’s done a lot of great guitar work on previous albums and has supported me in the past. Many other friends and family and finally our Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
How can fans find you?
I’m highly active on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and can drop a line any time @trancefury. Or visit the official site www.trancefury.com and sign up for the mailing list! YouTube also has plenty of stuff to listen to as well as all the major streaming services.
What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?
Don’t get discouraged. I’ve been doing this for over 25 years in the indie business and it’s never easy. It always seems like you get buried in a sea of mess but you WILL prevail if you put your heart and soul into it and work hard.
There are good days, bad days, and days you want to quit but there’s always a fan, note, or email that comes around that reminds you why you’re doing it. Set small goals and attain them then set out for bigger ones.