Baby Demon Inspires Others Through His Music
Independent artist Alex Almodovar, also known as Baby Demon, has been on the grind for the past 6 years as he grew up making music on the streets of Philadelphia. A day in his life consists of constantly writing music to perfect his sound. Not only that but watching his kids, who although have been a major challenge in his young adult life, ended up being a beautiful blessing that has kept him going throughout his career.
Baby Demon has a fire EP coming on the way which explains his life on the streets and the struggles of people trying to make it out. He hopes to connect with his audience through his music and the struggles and challenges he has faced throughout his life.
“All the losses I’ve taken and the way I had to live when I was younger have made me very humble and patient. My girlfriend has also helped make me be the better, happier person that I want to be. I still try to improve myself every day because there’s always room for more improvement to a better lifestyle.” Baby Demon’s desire and determination allow him to be able to be an inspiration to anyone who undergoes challenges throughout their own life.
Listen to Baby Demon on Spotify here
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