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Public Relations for Musicians – How Can It Help You?

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Public Relations for Musicians – How Can It Help You?

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Most musicians probably don’t spend much time considering how public relations can help their band, or perhaps they engage in common PR techniques without even thinking about it. But if you’re trying to grow your audience, why not be deliberate about the ways you go about increasing your band’s awareness and building your name-recognition?

Cover the PR Basics

Public relations is primarily about making people aware of something and then managing the perceptions of that thing. Obviously, in your case, it’s going to be about growing your music career or making your band more popular. Some of the basics include the use of media relations, working with influencers, assembling some basic press materials, and leveraging your events and appearances. Covering the basics may also include building a website, setting up social media profiles, and pushing content like video or sound clips out through YouTube or Soundcloud.

ID Your Target Audience

Learning who your audience is and the best places to reach those individuals is key to running an effective PR campaign for yourself or your band. Are your listeners on Twitter? YouTube? Do they read certain music websites or blogs? Knowing where you need to be present can help guide your individual efforts. Offering a music blog an exclusive story about your band or perhaps early access to a brand-new track can go a long way to ingratiating yourself and scoring some press coverage.

Create a Marketing Timeline

By creating even a basic calendar or where you’ll be performing, or when you expect certain content to drop, can help guide you in understanding where to focus next. You may want to set both short-term and long-term goals for your efforts too, especially when it comes to social media. Can you grow your follower count from 1,000 people, to 10,000 people? Sure, if you have a plan and a timeline. Most social media platforms have specific groups or hashtags that can be leveraged to help amplify your signal. Hook-up with these groups and hashtag your posts appropriately to get the word out to your audience.

Engage with Your Audience

It won’t matter if you grow your audience to 10,000 or 100,000 or even a million followers if you aren’t marketing yourself with unique and compelling content. As a creative artist, you should be pushing out updates as frequently as possible. Create a content calendar that dictates when posts need to go out and stick to it. Even if you can only manage one post a week, schedule that on your calendar so you won’t let it slip to every two weeks. Frequent content publishing is the engine that drives your audience growth.

If you’re interested in more public relations tips, head over to my recent blog post and get your PR for Startups strategy in place!

Kim Le is a brand manager for Startr Co and brings more than 13 years of dynamic agency experience to the table as she counsels consumer brand executives on strategic marketing and public relations programming.

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Alfred Munoz Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Real Estate Professional

Alfred Munoz, is an American Army Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Real Estate Advisor with over 20 years of experience in the Music Industry, Leadership, Management, and Branding.

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