Meet travel influencer Maddie Morrison

Meet travel influencer Maddie Morrison
How did your career as an influencer start? Was there a specific moment where your followers grew?
I don’t really know if I could call it a career for me yet or call myself an influencer as such, but I use to go on Tumblr a lot as a teenager, and after gaining some followers on that I eventually posted a link to my Instagram on there and then some of my audience must have followed me from there! I think I first started noticing a significant growth in followers when I traveled around Europe with one of my sisters.
My sister was super encouraging and always supported me in putting myself out there and she would write relevant ‘travel themed’ hashtags on my posts and that seemed to bring a variety of people from all around the world to my account!
What are the challenges of being successful in your field?
I personally have been lucky enough to not face many yet – I think the bigger your following is the more opinions you get which I imagine could become hard. I already worry about the judgment that comes with social media but fortunately, I don’t have a big enough following for the nasty comments to come through in larger numbers yet!
There’s always going to be someone in the world that doesn’t like what you do or something about you. I’ve had a small number of people who have tried to express their dislike towards me or about me online but I’m lucky enough to have a more significant positive response than a negative one I think!
What is one piece of advice you wish you were given years ago?
Spend more time with your family Maddie! And quality over quantity always.

What is your next project?
Hopefully discovering what my passion is! I’ve been waiting to come across it forever it feels, I would just love to find something I want to pursue and charge at it with everything I have!
If you could collaborate with one brand what would it be?
That’s a tough one! Anything that helps or supports others or something that encourages people to be happy in their own skin. These days it can be hard to know what is really ‘real’ and so I feel like I have a lot of respect for companies and brands that use a diverse range of models that proudly present themselves as they are rather than an edited or enhanced version that people can be misled by.
What is your favorite social media platform currently?
Definitely Instagram! I don’t have Facebook so Instagram is my port of call for socializing, connecting, and seeing photos of both people and things and places that I love!
What do you think of Clubhouse?
I’m yet to sign up actually, but I think it sounds like an awesome idea. Especially after 2020 and the complications and hardship, it has brought around the world. The idea of connecting with people overseas is already something I love about social media so Clubhouse sounds awesome!!
You can follow Maddie on Instagram