LAST ONEZ Interview with Muzique Magazine
To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
(Essjay) – Personally, my biggest love is r&b for sure bra im a mad fan of Chris Brown! He influences not just my music by my fashion taste as well. I have more r&b type tracks lined up that I’m waiting to release when I feel like they are where I want them to be but I look forward to sharing that side of my craft as soon as possible!
When it comes to rap, to be honest, I was never really a massive aus rap fan growing up I thought it was trash but I loved old-school American rap that’s what really got me into it and gave me to passion for lyricism. As for beats I just love when it hits hard and holds a melody that draws you in and keeps you listening
(Doopa) – I grew up on rock/metal music and I feel that shaped my way of enjoying different sounds of music I grew into rap in my teens years and never looked back since when we first started we were just trying to realize what everyone wanted to hear but now we are slowly growing
as individuals and a group you will see us branch out into different sounds and grow as artists, it’s really only up from here
On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?
(Essjay) – We have a few projects that we are currently working on but we have also been flat out working on a solo ep each, my ep is called love in war. It’s stacked with fire tracks from all different styles It’s set to be released in a couple of months I will reveal more when the release date is official

LAST ONEZ Interview with Muzique Magazine
What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
(Essjay) – I think it’s more than safe to say I’m my own worst enemy but I feel like no matter what obstacles present themselves in front of us we are confident we will overcome them because we really have no doubt we are made for this
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
(Doopa) – No one is the best there will always be someone better and that’s what makes me wanna work even harder
(Essjay) – Haha I’d say in my opinion that we still have a long way to go. There are so many talented artists blowing up all over Australia it’s hard to say who the best is especially with the amount of different sounds there are in rap. But if I’m being real there’s no doubt in my mind that we have the potential to run the league and one day hopefully be an international name in the music industry
What are your plans for the near future?
(Essjay) – WORK, WORK, WORK! Where just excited to see what the future holds for us
(Doopa) – Work for the future To be more consistent with realizing tracks and clips and putting our name out more and getting better at the whole marketing side of the industry as well as the music
How can fans find you?
The quickest way to access our content is by following our Instagram pages that’s where we post a majority of our updates and news about ourselves and last Onez
What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?
(Essjay) – Don’t stress about if things are going to work out or not just have fun with it and the rest will follow but in saying that it’s important to dive into the business side of things and sharpen your skills especially when it comes to things like marketing and promoting!