Princess Royalty had the destiny to become an artist, singer, and songwriter at a very young age. Then her life went in an upside down emotional roller coaster because she had major setbacks from her childhood, to her teenager and adulthood. She had experienced a rough patch with her older son when he was born because he was born with a congenital heart disorder.
He had to have 6 open heart surgeries. Then from there, her life changed when her life flashed in front of her eyes. Then eleven years later God granted her to have another child while she was healing from the rough life and problems that she went through as a young abandoned little girl.
Then life progressed for her as she thought she found true love and she made a bad choice when she got married and from there she was living in an unstable, abusive and toxic environment. Then two years later God blessed her with a premature baby that has several health problems that she is working to address and while she is doing that her passion for music and fame came back to hunt her because this has always been her destiny.
So life progressed for her as she made a move to Las Vegas, NV. Then she recorded two tracks and she got them mixed and master and released them under her own record label called KR ENTERTAINMENT. She is rank #2 on Reverb Nation. Then she opened up seven businesses and she is a businesswoman who is striving for success.
What are your goals for your life?
My goals are to be a great parent, singer, songwriter, Author, Fashion Designer, and a successful and productive business owner.
What are your plans for this year?
My plans are to get vocal lessons and release a couple of new albums. Write my book and get it published and bring out my own clothing line.
Why is your name Princess Royalty?
My name is Princess Royalty because my mom always said that I was her princess and royalty is because I think of myself as a royal queen. I love money and I love royal things and I was always put up on a pedal stool by my grandmother.
Who inspired you to be a singer and an artist?
Whitney Houston (R.I.P.) Mrs. Brandy Rayana Norwood and Mrs. Kelly Price
What motivated you to release your album this year?
The obstacles and trials and tribulations that I have conquered and faith and God’s grace and mercy and my supporters who stood behind me to push me to success.
What is your main focus as an artist?
My main focus as an artist is to tell my story of what I been through as a child to now so that I can help someone that has experienced some of the same things that I have experienced.
Where you scared to release your album?
Yes, I was scared at first because I did not think I was good enough, but I stepped out on faith and now I am rank #2 on Reverb Nation and I have 104 fans and 64 plays also my album is in 150 different stores and I am very grateful.
Do you plan on making this a career for yourself as an artist?
Yes, most definitely it is my passion and my dream.
Do you plan on becoming an actress?
Yes, I do plan on becoming an actress in the near future when I start filming my reality t. v. show.
How can fans find you?
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