Interview with Miami based Drummer/Composer JORODU
Drummer/Composer Jose R. Duque is a graduate of Berklee College of Music. Jose has always set up to establish himself as the most innovative and versatile musician wherever he sets up residence. Now living in Miami this Venezuelan musician has positioned himself as the go-to guy in a variety of styles, such as Jazz, R&B, Latin, Rock, World Music and Pop.
How did you come by your stage name?
It’s simply an acronym made up of my two names and my last name, Jose+Roman+Duque= JORODU
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
I started playing at 11-12 yrs old, learned on my own until I started receiving formal musical education at 17, then studied at music schools in Venezuela, until graduating from Berklee in 1997 (yeah, ages ago)
To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
Someone mentioned my music tends to be ‘Cinematic”, and since I’m an avid movies fan, it makes no surprise. I had written music for two indie films in Europe, and I occasionally write music for my wife’s theater plays. But I get inspiration from Poetry and books, and other musicians, Pat Metheny, John McLaughlin, Tigran Hymasian, comes to mind.
On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?
It’s been 7 yrs since I wrote, new material for myself. Thought it was time to write music for me again. I wrote the album I wanted to hear, or I wish some of my fave artists has written for me to hear. that was my starting point. After that, it was a matter of getting the musicians I wanted to participate in my album.
What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
Most definitely, having most musicians living far away, other States, etc. That was the bigger challenge. And hoping that, they like what I wrote, and that they understood my written music and interpret it correctly. I am proud of the end result, and it reinforces my principle, of, “only work with people, you love, and respect and admire as musicians.
I should emphasize, that, this album wouldn’t sound the way it sounds, if it weren’t because of Erik Aldrey, an amazing Grammy Nominated producer, engineer, and all around good friend of mine. I believe his vision helped me round up the overall sound of the project. And it was quite necessary. Sometimes you need somebody’s else ears and point of view to polish your vision. Again, I was lucky to be able to choose Erik as my co-producer

Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
“The best at”, is a notion I try to avoid at all cost. I know I have tons of faults as a person and as a musician. I just try to do the best I can at that specific moment. But to consider me as “The Best”, feels a bit too conceited and not humble at all.
What are your plans for the near future?
Just promote my album, not sure if I will manage to take this project live since all people involved lives far from each other. But at the moment I’m just planning to keep promoting the album, keep writing new music, and play with the people I perform with regularly in my area, “Emigdio & SUPERPOWER”, The Camel Toe Band, Yvette Norwood-Tiger and Jonathan Auerbach Trio. I do know I’ll be working on an album with my friend Lars Tellman in Germany. So really looking forward to that.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?
I would say again, Erik Aldrey for having the guts to be my friend, and for doing such a wonderful job on mixing and mastering and co-producing this album. My wife of course, for her infinite patience. Jon Durant, my dear friend who performs in this album, Javier Espinoza for rocking the bass, and everybody else who took part in this project, Phil, Emigdio, Rodrigo, Manu, Beatriz, Jose, Mike, and Nate.
How can fans find you?
They can visit my website,
If they want to go directly to my newest album they can go here
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