Impostor talks about sense of style, upcoming projects and more
How did you come by your stage name?
When I started the project I played around with various different names and I was keen to be anonymous so that people wouldn’t get distracted by preconceived prejudices and focus just on the music itself, which is very important. I was looking for an enigmatic moniker that would encapsulate the music and my essence.
I then came across 2 Corinthians 6:8, “We are treated as impostors and yet are true” which resonated with me. As a person I have always suffered, from time to time in various circumstances, with Impostor Syndrome, a feeling of not really belonging, an outcast as it were, so I chose the name Impostor, it was meant to be spelt Impost@r, but the digital distributors would not accept this spelling. Funnily enough though in a trivial sort of way if you play around with these letters you ironically spell, I’M PO’ ST@R – which I certainly am not.
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
I have always loved music from an early age and started playing the violin when I was 9. That was my first introduction to a musical instrument, which was weird for an urban kid to walk around with a violin case, the stares I used to get.
My eldest brother, who also into music, introduced me to the bass guitar and from there, that was it. I was hooked to music. I started playing in bands at school and various musical projects. I also dabbled in the music industry in A&R for a while. Then I recently picked up the bass again and started recording.
To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
My mother was an extremely creative and fashionable woman, always up to date with the latest trends and the music of the times. I think I certainly get my fashion sense from her.

On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?
This is the fourth album from a series of albums that were borne through a ‘proof of concept’ idea to see if an album could be released from end to end without using the conventional industry process (i.e. the album was recorded produced and mastered entirely on iPad/ Mac Air).
The first 3 albums chart the journey to spiritual enlightenment whilst the fourth album, which continues with this unconventional mode of recording and completed during the lockdown, celebrates life love and all its levels. I have now started recording the 5th Album.
What are your plans for the near future?
The next album will consist of the collaboration of various artists (remotely). I will be applying the model of ‘six degrees of separation’ to identify the artists that I will be collaborating and hopefully it will mushroom to have some major players. The approach will be like the ‘paper clip challenge’ where you start with a paper clip and exchange until you finally get a house. I am going to try this approach to collaborating and hopefully, I’ll end up collaborating with one of my idols, someone like Seal
How can fans find you?
The album ‘The Love Above’ is out now on all major digital platforms. You can stream Impostor’s single ‘Everlasting (Love That’s Never Over) HERE –
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