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Cross Pendant: The Symbol of Spirituality or Trendy Jewelry?

Cross Pendant: The Symbol of Spirituality or Trendy Jewelry?
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Cross Pendant: The Symbol of Spirituality or Trendy Jewelry?

Cross pendants divided the world of fashion in half. Many believe that they shouldn’t be worn by non-Christians because the cross is the symbol of spirituality. The other half argues that the cross has been around long before the advent of Christianity so it can’t belong to any specific religion or culture. Be that as it may, it is hard to deny that since the 1980s, crosses have started gaining traction as trendy jewelry.

Why do Christians Wear Crosses?

From the religious standpoint, believers put on a cross as a symbol of victory over sin and death. That is why it is so important for righteous Christian to wear their cross every day. The idea behind the symbol is that a person, feeling the weight of their cross, will not violate the laws of religion and the society they live in. Also, many believe that the cross is an amulet capable of protecting its owner from:

• misfortunes;

• diseases;

• ill-wishers;

• envy;

• evil;

• jinx;

• witchcraft;

• any form of adversity.

The Difference between Christian and Fashion Crosses

Religion teaches such principles as modesty and humility, and they concern not only the behavior of a person, but also how they look. Therefore, the pectoral cross of a true Christian is small and devoid of excessive ornamentation. Moreover, as a purely personal thing, the cross should not draw undesired attention. It is best to pair it with a medium-length necklace and wear it under the clothes.

As we have already mentioned, you shouldn’t part with your cross for a long time. You can take it off briefly only when you take a shower, or go to sauna, pool, gym, or other place associated with the risk of exposure to the elements.

Fashion crosses do not follow religious postulates. Therefore, they can be as large and ornate as you wish. Since most people prefer precious metals for everyday jewelry, fashion crosses can also be made of gold, silver, and platinum. At the same time, if you’re on the hunt for a piece of costume jewelry that you’ll only wear for special occasions, the choice of materials is almost limitless – from base metals to wood, horns, bones, and other natural raw materials.

Fashion cross pendants are nothing more than a means of decoration, so it makes no sense to wear them under your clothes. Wear them over your garments on a long necklace. Or vice versa, choose a very short necklace akin to a choker to adorn the base of your neck. Either way, your body ornament is going to command maximum attention. By the way, if you’re looking for an awesome fashion cross pendant, you should check Bikerringshop out. Find its collection of cross jewelry at

How to Wear a Cross Pendant?

Even Christianity doesn’t specify what kind of necklace is best for a pectoral cross. If you intend to flaunt a cross pendant solely as a means of decoration, you have no limits or restraining factors whatsoever. At the same time, different types of necklaces come with their own pros and cons.

Metal Chain Necklaces

A silver or gold chain is a versatile, practical, and beautiful option. Precious metals don’t corrode meaning they will last for decades. You don’t even have to remove them before showering or exercising because moisture and skin secretions won’t be able to cause any damage. At worse, your necklace may tarnish but it’s easy to get rid of it with a brush and soapy water.

It goes without saying that the material of your chain necklace should match the material of a cross pendant. So to say, silver to silver and gold to gold. A gold necklace will simply look inappropriate with a silver pendant, and vice versa. Besides, they say that the white and yellow metals radiate opposite energies.

Leather Cords

Leather is an elegant option for a cross pendant. It can be dyed any color but regardless, it adds more contrast to the cross and sets it off. And if you happen to have a cord of the same color as inlays your cross may feature, your image will gain 100 points in terms of cohesiveness.

Leather cords, despite being quite beautiful, aren’t without their shortcomings. While a silver chain is able to serve you for decades, leather will last for a few years but only on condition that you take care of it. You can never wet such a cord or expose it to sunlight, sweat, or household chemicals. In its weight-bearing ability, it is inferior to metal necklaces meaning you can pair it only with small and medium-size pendants.

Hemp Strings

Although we are witnessing a hemp boom, this plant and everything that is possible to make of it is nothing new. Centuries ago, Christians were wearing their crosses on exactly hemp strings. Today, such a choice will help you build an authentic and humble look.

Just like leather cords, hemp necklaces don’t like water, sweat, and chemicals. You should remove your neck jewelry at home to extend its brand-new appearance. When it comes to cross pendants, it’s best to stick to non-precious options such as stone, horn, wood, or basic metals.


Alfred Munoz Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Real Estate Professional

Alfred Munoz, is an American Army Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Real Estate Advisor with over 20 years of experience in the Music Industry, Leadership, Management, and Branding.

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