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Samantha ‘Patience Jay’ Rice spreads her corporate wings with DREAMHUSTLEWIN University

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Samantha ‘Patience Jay’ Rice spreads her corporate wings with DREAMHUSTLEWIN University

Samantha’ Patience Jay’ Rice career in entertainment spans 7+ years and is decorated with enormous success.

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Samantha’ Patience Jay’ Rice career in entertainment spans 7+ years and is decorated with enormous success. From her early days of being a celebrity booking agent to artist management for emerging Indie artists. Samantha’ Patience Jay’ Rice’s humble beginnings in Vermont provided a well-balanced personality and matchless cool factor. When people interact with Patience Jay, they instantly draw a universal conclusion “that girl’s dope” (Bell, Biv, Devoe Voice)!   

Patience Jay possesses unconventional magnetic energy, which illuminates her physical impact at the moment. Any room she enters changes frequency and tempo. Patience Jay’s sheer beauty is her capacity to diffuse chaos and create positive vibrations via nightclub or boardroom. Indie artists invest millions of dollars in pursuit of their dreams. Most of their goals and finance vanish into thin air before they take flight.    

5,000+ Independent artists recognize two trusted words in the music industry “Patience Jay.” Indie artists call text, face-time, Zoom, and pull up to her office to receive advice, career guidance, life-coaching, and human bonding. Patience Jay is an anomaly (a deviation from the common rule, type, or form). Patience Jay in 2021 spearheads the #1 Millennial Music Smart University aptly labeled ‘DREAMHUSTLEWIN.’ DREAMHUSTLEWIN University transforms hustlers into CEO’s. Knowledge is power, and proper application equals dominance.    

DREAMHUSTLEWIN University provides one-on-one Zoom and phone music consultation in multiple areas of business. Artists receive to schedule a conference call based upon their desired subject matter, and consultation is provided by experienced music professionals. Artists are provided with sourced referenced material related to their online learning course.    

Artists learn out-of-the-box strategies for time management, music monetization, music encoding, and more. DREAMHSUTLEWIN University is the #1 Millennial Smart University, and Patience Jay is the leader of a new breed of Millennial leaders. Patience Jay is SVP of RADIOPUSHERS and EVP of RESULTSANDNOHYPE Magazine.    

Jonathan P-Wright is a freelance writer for multiple mainstream media outlets and Chief Visionary Officer of RADIOPUSHERS and RESULTSANDNOHYPE Magazine.

Alfred Munoz Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Real Estate Professional

Alfred Munoz, is an American Army Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Real Estate Advisor with over 20 years of experience in the Music Industry, Leadership, Management, and Branding.


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