Pure MX Interview with Muzique Magazine

Pure MX Interview with Muzique Magazine
How did you come by your stage name?
How I came by My stage name Pure MX was when I was younger I had a YouTube channel that was called purewarfare7654 and it got some traction at some point because of a video I posted and the next day after the video went viral everyone at school started calling me pure warfare even my teachers. After that point, that name has just stuck with me all through high school even after so to stay true to my younger self and what I did I thought of the channel I had which was pure warfare and removed everything but the pure and added mx at the end of it because it sounded cool.
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
When I discovered my love for my craft was pretty random to say the least because I was a freshman in high school just trying to find myself and I had a friend who was a beat producer at the time who was always making beats in class and never really paying attention so one day I decided to watch what he was doing and it sparked my interest and then from there I started to freestyle to his beats in class well everyone listens and they said I had a good voice for music so I decided to make my first song with a beat that my friend produced and dropped it. After that song dropped everyone just asked me about my next song and that’s how I fell in love with my craft and never would change a thing.
To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
If I had to credit someone for my sense of style it would have to be juice wrld and thekidlaroi because they have gotten me through the hardest times in my life and what inspired me to start my journey as a musician and to find love for the craft because if it weren’t for them I don’t think I’d be here today and There music as itself has changed the rap game in many ways.
On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?
How I came up with My Recent song UP IN LA is quite funny actually for starters I don’t live in la and secondly, I have only been there a handful of times. But the times I went I loved there and I recently shot a music video there a few months back and I started thinking of ways I could make a song on how I feel about la after that point because it was becoming my get way for a lot of things going on in my life so I hit up my friend Perish Beats and he sent me this beat that he recently made and I fell in love with it on the spot because it was so perfect and chill and it reminded me of la So that’s how I got the song UP IN LA.
What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
Some of my greatest challenges would be a lot of times in my life such as the majority of my school life because I was never able to fit in as a kid and have always been left out of things as I got older it worse whether that was some bullying online or me always getting picked on at school and at some point even the teachers started to pick on me but I think one of the greatest challenges in my life would have to be my freshman year of high school when I hit rock bottom.
It started with me losing all my friends to rumor that was started at the end of my 8th-grade year so I had no one than my mom and dad got a divorce the same week I was losing friends and getting bullied because of it but I still tried to stay positive than sadly one of my closest friends passed away and soon followed by another two friends that were still in my life the week after I became homeless and had nowhere to go but I still stood positive and did everything.
I needed to do to be the best for myself and my mom as life went on I was given the opportunity to work for my city to film and take photos for good money as well as producing for an artist in my city and making double income. At the time I was also helping my mom find a good-paying job eventually she landed a job at an Insurance company but I thank god every day for making it out of that position and staying positive.
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
I think I am the best at being positive and willing to take criticism when it comes to my craft and myself I also think I am the best at freestyling and making a good song as long as I have a concept and a good beat!
What are your plans for the near future?
My plans for the near future are to put out more music and an album and with the hopes of making it big in the industry and collaborating with more artist like myself and with the hopes of me making it big if I do I plan to start my own label for kids who are little different such as kids who have autism or ADHD in hopes of bringing a new wave into the industry and overall bring those alike into every aspect of every industry and I also plan to make a song with the thekidlaoi and artist alike.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?
I would like to thank my mom, My girlfriend, and overall the fans that have stuck with me throughout everything and believed in me and sat through everything, and still listen I would say id have to thank my girlfriend and my mom for all the loving and caring support through everything and keeping me above water as well as my family.
How can fans find you?
How People can find me is as follow
What suggestions do you have for other artist like yourself?
My suggestions to other artists such as myself are to always stay positive and never give up on your dream no matter what comes your way and always strive to be different and to accept that you are different and embrace it. And Always try ways to better yourself.
-PUre MX