Patrick Alan Casey Interview with Muzique Magazine
How did you come by your stage name?
I was born and grew up in southwest Missouri originally where my parents luckily gave me a good stage name from birth. I moved out to L.A. when I was 18. I knew that for a career in music I needed to be here, and very luckily it worked out. Being 18 and being thrown into one of the biggest cities in the world alone, you learn very quickly to find your people which luckily I was able to do right away.
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
Everyone on both sides of my family played some kind of instrument- most played several. So growing up it was a musical jamboree at all times. My family says that I came home from kindergarten one day after hearing the national anthem and sat down at the piano and played it (I can’t attest to remembering that so I have to take their word for it).
For me, there was never really any other calling or drive that I ever had to do anything else. I guess I am lucky in that respect- I never had that burning question “What do I want to do with my life?”. I always knew. I started writing poetry at the age of 10 and then, with the best advice I ever received from my dad “Write about what you know”, I started writing original songs at about 13.
I recorded my first original album at 14. I remember the very first performance I played and sang my first original song at a high school music concert. I remember seeing tears in people’s eyes and a standing ovation at the end, and I was hooked. That energy from the crowd coming back to you in real time is like nothing else in the world, and that’s when I knew exactly what music could do.

Patrick Alan Casey Interview with Muzique Magazine
To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
I have been lucky to have been able to perform with and work with so many of my musical heroes over the years. One, in particular, is the 16x grammy award-winning producer David Foster. When I was growing up in Missouri I remember so vividly listening to his music over and over and the power of it completely captivated me.
I remember saying “When I grow up I want to do what he does”. My good friend Jessica had worked with him and introduced me at a random restaurant run-in. I performed for many events that he had, and through him got to meet so many artists that I admired so much and just get the best advice from him. I definitely count him as one of the most impactful influences that I have had.
I have also been lucky enough to perform all over the world- in about twelve European countries, all across the US, and in some of the iconic venues in LA- The Roxy, The Viper Room, and the Nokia Theater among others. There is nothing like performing live, and with the pandemic, I have really missed that.

On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?
The name of my new album ” The Other Side” started to take shape in response to learning how to deal with loss and working through grief. There are so many different types of grief-loss of a partner, a child, an irreplaceable family member, divorce, or even the loss of a pet. Most of us have experienced most if not all of these.
A few years ago, I lost one of, if not the most, important people in my life. The grief process was a slow one as with most mentally declining diseases, the goodbye process was years in the making. Having to learn how to say goodbye and then pick up the pieces and try to reassemble the puzzle of life without the most important pieces is something that I don’t believe anyone truly learns how to do fully. The best we can do is to learn how to move through it.
Then the pandemic happened and there was a worldwide level of grief that most of us have never seen in our lifetime. And hearing stories from all over the world of loss and pain made these songs even more resounding to me, and other songs began to take shape in response. The title of this album “The Other Side” has a two-part meaning. Most of the songs are made of pieces of songs that I had written over the years but never finished.
I like to think that maybe life knew that experience had to take place before I was able to finish these. “The Other Side” is also being able to find the other side of grief that we carry and knowing that we will be okay. Not the same, but learning how to smile, laugh and let ourselves love and be loved again.

What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
This is the first album I have ever done that I fully produced myself. I have worked with some amazing producers in the past, but this project was so personal to me that I really felt like I wanted it to be completely my voice. I actually played all the instruments and did all the arrangements, vocals/bg vocals, and programming.
So this will sink or swim solely on me which is exciting and also a daunting thought. I think the challenge with producing everything is learning how to be objective. I have some very good people around that are happy to give honest feedback and let me know if something is too much or not enough. I think the process of producing this album has taught me to trust my voice.
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
I think if you think you are the best at what you do then you are finished because I truly believe that there is ALWAYS room to grow and get better. I do feel a sense of calm confidence with music that I don’t know if I feel with anything else. I know that whatever comes up, I can figure it out, and that’s a good feeling.
What are your plans for the near future?
A couple of months ago, I started a weekly series of live performances called Sunday Songs where fans vote on what song they want to hear during the week and whatever song wins the vote I perform on Sunday evening. It started off with just a few people and it has grown to thousands of viewers every week. It has been a lot of fun to get to do my own spin on everything from U2 to Sia, to Whitney Houston.
For the last few years, I have been working with Olympic diving great 4 x gold medalist Greg Louganis on bringing his amazing story to life in a brand new musical based on my music and a book by my creative partner Judy Norton. We are very excited for that to come to a stage in the near future.
My single and the music video for “The Other Side” are coming out on August 5th, and the full album “The Other Side” will be out on August 19th. There was a two-year delay with the album coming out because of the pandemic so I feel like I have been sitting on these songs for so long that I am glad that they are finally getting birthed into the world.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shoutouts?
There are so many people that I have so much gratitude for that it would take me pages to list everyone. A few that come to mind are: My family- we have gone through so many tough times but we are still standing; Ashley- for the endless notes, suggestions, support, and love; The Sentos- how could I go through life without you,
My amazing voice teacher: Dr. Henry Price and Martha; Mr A- my high school voice teacher who gave me my first shot and believed. Cielo, Tom, and Bryce- love you all. Olya- for being there; Jon & Liz- for your friendship; Greg & Judy;- thank you. Diane- for all the support.
To everyone who believed in me from the earliest years on, I won’t ever forget; And finally, for my supporters- the PACFans- the ones that have been with me all these years, and the ones that have just come onboard- thank you for giving me the opportunity to keep doing this. Your messages, emails, and posts have always given me the boost to keep going and have inspired me probably even more than the other way around.
How can fans find you?
You can find me on my website- www.patrickalancasey.com
You can email me directly at [email protected]
Facebook Fan Page- www.facebook.com/patrickalancasey
Instagram- www.instagram.com/patrickalancasey
Twitter- www.twitter.com/patrickacasey
YouTube- www.youtube.com/patrickalancasey
Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/artist/6c16FQr2kWEChT9mXmT5lp
And every Sunday night at 5 pm PT on all my social media pages for “Sunday Songs”
What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?
I think the number one suggestion I would have for another artist is to #1 Find out who you are as fast as you can #2 Once you find that out, go about being that person as fast as you can. It’s so easy when you are trying to be something that you think other people want, to lose your voice, and your vision for yourself.
The music won’t ever be fully honest until it comes from that place of complete oneness with yourself. Also, success in this business is luck and preparation and where they meet, so the other advice is to do the work and be prepared for when the opportunity comes- it will. Then you will be ready to stand and shine and be your fullest self.