Joilson Melo: An Artist Making His Name All Across The World By Creating Catchy And Footapping Electronic Music
Joilson Melo along with being a music enthusiast and at the same time keeping a unique taste, he has worked and produced on 13 different tracks.
Introducing ‘Genesis Mystery’, an electronic music album that will make a difference in your playlist.
Joilson Melo is the artist of this album with 13 tracks. You who are in love with Hip Hop or Rock, Genesis Mystery will introduce an intriguing interest and a fresh zeal in them with its exciting tracks and phenomenal composition. He shares how much importance it is gaining through the passage of time and thereby he adds “Electronic music is part of the day-to-day, not only of mine but of many Brazilians. It is able to keep us motivated and focused to face the challenges. I believe that it is the real way out to calm our soul, make us feel good, even relaxed after a difficult routine day.”
It is always difficult to properly contribute appropriate time to what you need and what you want, but here Joilson is perfectly acing this part of his life. Dividing his precious time between the professional career Law and his love for electronic music, he dedicated himself to producing a music album that he has always dreamed of.
Visit the platforms and enjoy the electroacoustic music realm. The working on various ideas, penning them down to a piece of paper, and finally starting to bring each track to the real world, was carried out during the last year i.e., 2021. After the completion of every bit of work, Melo decided to unleash his and his team’s effort on the people at the beginning of the new year and do the magic.
Joilson Melo along with being a music enthusiast and at the same time keeping a unique taste, he has worked and produced on 13 different tracks. The Album ‘Genesis Mystery’ was produced and recorded last year in 2021, but its release was postponed because of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis in January. After its release this year, it has been globally released successfully and doing quite well among music lovers across the globe and is receiving all the deserved love from the audience.