Get Ready For A Slay Ride!
From British purveyor of retro faux horror soundtracks Kish Kollektiv, comes a new Yuletide release…
It’s amazing how many people see Christmas as a nightmare that must be endured, even without supernatural shenanigans, serial killers and marauding gremlins – tense encounters with in-laws, disruption to one’s routine, the stress of coordinating social and family events and sky-high costs have a horror all of their own.
In the Northern Hemisphere at least, it can be quite an eerie time of year…short days and long nights, frost glistening in cold moonlight, snow-covered landscapes…or more typically in the damp and dreary UK, endless periods of gloom, overcast skies, mist, and drizzle…
There’s a tradition of festive-themed horror fiction, at least dating back to the Victorian era and Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol” but it was perhaps in the last few decades of the 20th century that Christmas-themed tales of terror really came into their own on the big screen.
It was mainly from the 1980s that I drew my inspiration for “Moonlight Slay Ride”, a time of films like “To All a Goodnight”, “Christmas Evil”, “Silent Night, Deadly Night” and its sequels and (perhaps the greatest festive horror movie of the decade) “Gremlins”. It was also a time when low-budget synthesizer scores were the go-to option for independent filmmakers.
See this as the main theme of a mid-80s holiday horror film that doesn’t exist in our timeline but perhaps does in the “reality next door”…
The video is available to view on YouTube:
“Moonlight Slay Ride” is available for FREE download via Bandcamp:
Merry bloody Christmas!
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