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Emir Duru promises to keep the hits coming with his new track “Inspired Fears”

Emir Duru
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Emir Duru promises to keep the hits coming with his new track “Inspired Fears”

For a long time, the world of dance music has needed a breath of fresh air. Finding new music and talent in this market has proven difficult. That was until Emir Duru arrived. With his track “Inspired Fears,” he has astounded the music industry. Emir has gone on to become a global musical sensation and an immediate smash.

“Inspired Fears” is a soothing melodic atmosphere with accompanying percussion that creates a memorable listening experience. Listeners stated that regardless of their mood, they loved listening to the music since it elevated their spirits whenever and wherever they heard it. They expect him to release more songs like this in the future.

This song was created in collaboration with Emir Duru’s previous record company, Rumor Records. Both sides worked hard to ensure that the song was finished in time for its debut and that it would gain tens of thousands of fans globally. It’s fantastic to see that ambition come true.

“Inspired Fears” may be found at:

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