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Riya Sokol talks about love for her craft, sense of style and more

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Riya Sokol talks about love for her craft, sense of style and more

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Riya Sokol – artist, singer, awakening coach, tantra teacher, double winner of the Global Music Award.

She uses her voice to change people’s lives by singing, talking and silence. Trained by the best teachers in the world. Both: in the field of singing: Seth Riggs, SLS- (teacher: Barbara Streisand, Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder) and in the field of meditation: Ma Ananda Sarita-Tantra Essence, James Stevenson-Awaken as Love, University of Ada Cadell, School of Lost Borders, Awaking Coaching by Arjuna Ardagh).

She travels around the world giving concerts, facilitating workshops and lectures for people, diving into their subconscious. Thanks to her voice and meditation techniques teach people how to relax and help them discover unconditional self-acceptance and love.

How did you come by your stage name?

I’ve been on the stage since I was 6. I feel like this is where I belong. I never could say, what kind of music do I sing- for me the crucial thing was- to give people experience, to touch their hearts, whatever it takes. To make meaning.

Make a difference. My albums are very various. They show my inner process perfectly. The first one was music from my theatre play – called NEVERLAND and was describing my depression- which was supporting people who were still ill. Many of them decided to go and heal after that. The mission was completed.

The second one is supporting moms in their motherhood- I share my journey around that on this album and the third one… it’s relaxing and calming mantras- songs for meditation and soothing the nervous system. It’s a cure for the biggest disease of the 21st century- STRESS.

When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?

I was performing on the stage since I was 6. And my mom recently told me that when she saw me the first time on this tremendous stage in front of 4000 people she almost fainted. Whilst I looked like I was born there. And that’s how I felt I must say.

When I was 3 my dad took me on the walk and asked me who I want to be when I grow up- I said: “I will be a world-known and famous singer!” I simply knew it from the very beginning. 🙂

To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?

It’s for sure for people who are looking for a deep journey. I will not entertain you. You can put on the candles, sit in an armchair or on the terrace and listen and dive deep with me, into your soul’s voice, into your subconscious mind.

When it comes to mantras- it will impact your nervous system. So you can light the candles OR, you can be working, driving, cooking or reading a book and the music and lyrics will subconsciously soothe your cells and calm your whole body on all levels.

On your upcoming project, how did you come up with the concept?

I was struggling with anxiety and sleeplessness since I was a child. Then, as a teenager, I got into an eating disorder and depression. I dedicated my life to find tools on how not to wake up with so much fear in my body. And one of the tools I found was mantras. My latest album called the “sound of gratitude” with these soothing melodies are meant to help people with all kinds of emotional distresses.

Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?

I am unique for sure. Just like everybody else 😀

What are your plans for the near future?

As in every year, I and my partner are going on a turnee- which is festivals, concerts and offering workshops and training. We guide people on how to live their fullest potential. We travel through the USA, Portugal, India, Holland, Sweden, India, Bali… And share our gifts.

Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?

Oh, I am grateful to all of my family and friends for all the support and love and faith. But also all of these people who rejected me, who told me I suck and I won’t ever make a career… this is what made me feel stronger and more sure about what I need to do.

How can fans find you?

Instagram, Facebook, Youtube. And… all over the world 🙂

What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?

Love yourself unconditionally. And always be compassionate kind and BRAVE. As if the life was ending tomorrow.

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Alfred Munoz Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Real Estate Professional

Alfred Munoz, is an American Army Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Real Estate Advisor with over 20 years of experience in the Music Industry, Leadership, Management, and Branding.


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