Meet Daniel Chidiac, Author Of The Modern Break-Up Book
Daniel Chidiac is the author of The Modern Breakup Book. The Modern Breakup has been a viral sensation and is a must read for anyone looking to find the answers to why men the way they are when it comes to dating. With fans including Addison Rae & Demi Rose, the 21 chapters takes the readers through some of the harsh realities & truths of dating in the modern world. Today he speaks exclusively to Muzique…
The first thing I do in the morning is…
I appreciate what I have in my life and visualise over what I want. I imagine light going through my heart and give thanks to the universe.
The last thing I googled was…
My trip to Paris! Looking for hotels and places to explore.
If my days had one extra hour…
I would sleep more! I believe the right amount of sleep has been key to my success.
The best advice I ever received was…
What you think, you believe. What you believe, you create.
My one desert island product is…
Coconut water.
When it comes to my writing…
I always express freely. I believe that a writer should just write what they think initially, regardless of the grammar etc. There is always time to go back and edit, but true expression should be unfiltered initially.
When I’m stressed…
I like to go fishing, diving or connecting with nature. That gives me peace of mind.
When my self-confidence has taken a hit…
I always gives thanks for the experience and know that in the end, whatever has happened, will make me even more confident. It’s getting through the hard times that really builds character and self-confidence. It if isn’t tested, you will never know your true strength.
My guilty pleasure is…
My most memorable career highlight was…
When I was doing a book signing at Penguin Random House head office and there was a line out the door of people waiting.
When it comes to working out…
I think you should go for the feeling more than the look. What’s what keeps it a habit.
A career achievement I’m dying to check off is…
Winning as Oscar.
If you looked at my desktop you’d see…
Some of the things I want as a vision board.
My most memorable travel experience was…
I’ve had so many, but one would probably be when I was flying to Italy as a 19 year old to buy clothes to start my own business back in Australia.
I’m dying to splurge on…
My family and the girl who becomes my partner.
One thing people don’t realize about the publishing industry is…
That traditional publishing with a big house isn’t always what it’s portrayed to be. You still have to do a lot of the marketing yourself. And even though your book is in stores, it doesn’t mean it’s going to sell. Self-publishing might be a better option if you have a platform of fans already.
My favorite place to spend time is…
By the beach or countryside.
The best advice for an aspiring author is…
Just write! Write everything down that you think and feel. Don’t worry if you’re a “good” writer or not…just express freely and you will work it all out later.
My most treasured possession is…
I am in possession of many things, but I would like to give a deeper answer and say my soul. It’s my true connection with the source is the foundation of all creation.
My biggest career regret is…
I don’t live in regret, but in hindsight, I would potentially still own the full publishing rights to my first title, Who Says You Can’t? You Do.
One thing I wish people knew about me is…
What I’ve had to go through to get to where I am so far. It may seem easy from the outside but it’s been a tough journey…but equally rewarding. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
You Can Purchase The Modern Breakup On Amazon Or Barnes & Noble