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K’Mille talks about her craft, greatest challenges and more

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K’Mille talks about her craft, greatest challenges and more

How did you come by your stage name?

I came up with my stage name from my middle name Camille. I just tweaked the spelling a little to keep it original and fresh.

When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?

My writing started as poetry, writing short stories, and keeping a journal. Writing song lyrics and singing came later after I started hearing melodies in my head. The push to pursue a career in music came when my music healed me. God pressed on my heart to share with others who may need healing. Isn’t that how it works. It’s your testimony you share to inspire others. My music is the platform to deliver my testimony. My song “Love is Standing by my Side” was a major source of healing for me as well as for others.

I had a gentleman come up to me after a performance and told me how my song touched his heart. He had a good friend of his along with his friend’s son murdered a few weeks before. He was so grieved in his heart and at the same time, he was contemplating buying a gun to hunt down the men who did this crime. My song softened his heart that evening. This man broke down crying in this NYC club I just performed in. On more than one occasion I had people come up to me to tell me they cried in the audience. “Love is Standing by my Side” caused their heart to melt and started the healing process. These experiences make me want to share more. It’s one of the factors that drive me forward.

On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?

I am currently promoting my music that is already published and I am writing on new content. Concept? I just keep living, concepts develop through experiencing life.

What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?

My greatest challenge is that I lost my hearing in my right ear from a childhood tragedy. My family’s home burned down in a house fire. It was a gas leak. Well, that explosion damaged my right eardrum. I also suffered 3rd-degree burns and was in a coma for 4 months. So when I started writing, it was to express on paper my battles, my grief, and my pain. That was my outlet to vent out my feelings.

My writing started as poetry, but then one night I started hearing melodies in my head. That’s when my songwriting started. Then I just started singing. I struggled for so long trying to get my notes in pitch. It was so frustrating. But, I kept writing and singing because it was an outlet for my healing. Over the years much of my pain and grief subsided. I say God healed me through his word and through music.

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God pressed it on my heart one day to start sharing my music with others too, so they can experience healing in their lives also. Music can heal trauma. My work ethic is simple. Don’t write anything that would shame God, my family, myself, or my fans. Don’t write anything that would hurt anyone. I write to inspire, give hope, and help others heal. Moral ethics are also a very important element. Truth, people at the end of the day judge you on your moral character. I try to keep my life and my house in order. Keep it in check.

Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?

I know I have a driving passion for what I do and I always look for areas that need improving and try to improve on them. I have a motto and that is to learn something new every day. This keeps me growing in my craft and in wisdom for life. I know that I don’t want to repeat the same mistakes I have made in the past. I make mistakes in life as a learning curve. Grow in wisdom every day.

What are your plans for the near future?

I plan on touring soon. When dates are set, I will list them on my Spotify home page, Artist, and social sites. So keep checking in with me.

Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?

I’d like to give a shout out to my fans! Thank you for supporting me along the way in my music career. Let’s take this exciting journey together. And I want to thank family and friends for their encouragement along the way. I would also like to thank the producers and talented musicians for hooking up my tracks. And I want to thank God for helping to keep me grounded and humbled as I take this journey.

How can fans find you?

Check out my song “Alter my Perception Here:

Stream on Spotify:

Visit my Social Media Links:

Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Official Spotify Artist Page

What suggestions do you have for other artist like yourself?

Treat your music like a business. Yes, as an indie artist, singer, songwriter, or musician we love to create our music but, how are we going to share our music with the world? Or maybe your just creating music for yourself? I highly doubt it.

We are human beings at the end of the day, many of us need to relate, connect and share our feelings, our desires, our fears, our hopes, and our dreams… get the picture. We desire to build relationships. We need to build relationships with our fans. So make sure you educate yourself on how the music business operates.

From Copyrights to PROS to Marketing to advertising and branding yourself. So you can reach your potential fan base. You need to educate yourself in this business to also protect yourself from being taken advantage of because it is good, bad, and ugly out there. Welcome to the real world.




Alfred Munoz Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Real Estate Professional

Alfred Munoz, is an American Army Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Real Estate Advisor with over 20 years of experience in the Music Industry, Leadership, Management, and Branding.


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