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Interview with Up and Coming Artist Lorraine Xie

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Interview with Up and Coming Artist Lorraine Xie

How did you come by your stage name?

My given Chinese name is Hongguo Xie actually. I picked Lorraine as my English name because firstly it’s easier for my Western friends and also I think this name is beautiful and romantic.

When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?

My mother is an independent singer as well, so I would say my passion for music was sowed deep in my heart at an early age when she started singing me lullabies haha..

But back in my Chinese middle school, the academic focus was so intense that I could barely receive training. Therefore, I came to the United States and went to high school there.

It was a performance gig at my high school that relit my passion for music. I also started writing lyrics to beats published by artists such as Jurrivh, Feelo, and Mantra. They are incredibly talented and inspired me a lot.

To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?

Like many musicians, I was inspired by daily issues. But the main source of my inspiration is my aspiration/dreams. I love to write about my dream probably because I always tell myself to be positive and be industrious. I have experienced some rough times and do not want to fall into the abyss again.

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On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?

I recently released a single called “Gravity”. I wrote this song when I was diagnosed with clinical depression three years ago. I fought against death twice but I survived because I wanted to thrive.

The lyrics of the song are my own monologue. I kept telling myself not to give up because some haters were watching. And every single time I lost control, the “gravity would pull me back from the edge of the cliff”.

I want to share this song with all the wounded souls and tell them that everything is going to be okay in the end, and if it’s not okay, then it’s not the end.

Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?

I am definitely not the best at what I do, I wish I will be in the future since I always strive to become better at what I pursuit. But the fact is, everyone is good at different things, and there is absolutely no perfection.

It becomes better when people work together and put in more effort. I am currently an independent artist, but I wish to form a team in the future (if someone ever thinks I am not bad haha)

What are your plans for the near future?

I wish I would stay true to my original self. Don’t get lost in the commercial world. That is to say, I will write more quality music 🙂

Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?

Thank you to Jurrivh, Feelø for the beautiful music.

Thank you to all my supporters, without you, I will have no one to share my feelings with.

Thank you to all the people who have hurt me, I become stronger because of you.

How can fans find you?

You can find me on Spotify and Apple Music/Itunes.




You can also get to know me more on Instagram: lorrainexie_official

What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?

Be real to your audience, be open to suggestions, and keep up the good work.

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