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Interview Hot Up and Coming Artist Justis Bratt

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Interview Hot Up and Coming Artist Justis Bratt

Justis Bratt, is an International American pop star, rapper, model, dancer, and actress. Justis Bratt debuted in 2007 with the album What It Does, and maintains a significant underground following to this day, after which Justis gained notable mainstream success through her work with the Boy and Girls Clubs Of America. Her first underground album, Eyes On You, received widespread critical acclaim and tremendous commercial success.

How did you come by your stage name?

Justis is my real name and the name Bratt, well my mom always called me her little Bratz doll so it just kinda stuck ya know.

When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?

In the womb, I think? My mom said I would always bounce around her belly when music played. I guess you can say it’s in my blood. I was born with music already imbedded in my blood.

To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?

I kind of wear whatever I think looks nice one me. I follow a lot of fashion and style pages on Instagram. I like to sort through all types of different styles and aesthetics and pick little things I like and boom, it creates my style

On your upcoming current project, how did you come up with the concept?

Well, I just released an EP titled “Justified” *on all streaming platforms btw go stream now hehe* and, for that, I titled it Justified because it’s my first compilation of musical work that I’ve ever released as an adult artist.

The songs on the EP go from upbeat, trap, HipHop, all the way to a Latin vibe. I wanted this EP to showcase my versatility as an artist. That’s why it’s called “Justified”, because after this EP I feel like it justifies my passion for entertainment. It’s also a play on my name, Justis.

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What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?

My greatest challenges has to be keeping up. This industry is forever changing, there’s a meme a minute, a new face every day. One minute people are saying this person is #1, then next week that artist is #99 and now everybody is saying this new person is #1.

It’s a fast-paced industry, and the slow will be trampled over, but, luckily, I’ve got on gym shoes. My work ethic is what’s going to keep me afloat. I’m not the type of person that will allow myself to sink and become complacent with that little 15 minutes of fame everyone in this industry gets.

I have a real passion for entertainment, and my passion and my love for music and performing could never let me stay small. I have to make each show bigger and bigger and bigger.

Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?

I’m still learning and developing myself to one day be the best. I want that, in the future, I will be put on a list of “Greatest of All Time” alongside iconic artists like Michael Jackson, Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga and artists of the sort. I’m not gonna stop until I am the best.

What are your plans for the near future?

Well, I’m embarking on a tour coming soon named after my EP “Justified.” So, those are my nearest future plans.

Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?

I’d first like to thank my supporters for holding the girl down. I’d probably be living in a park bench off the Jersey Turnpike without y’all. And while I’m here I’d like to thank my dad Kenny Allison and my mom Carla Granger Allison for never giving up on me and continuously supporting me in my career. My cousin Celestine Granger Sharon Houchens and Rainia Mcwhirter for their non stop post of everything I do.

How can fans find you?

You can follow me on Instagram @justisbrattmusic

On Twitter @justisbratt

On Snapchat @justisbratt

And Facebook @JustisBratt

You can also go to my website

What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?

I’d suggest that you don’t be afraid to be yourself. Oftentimes, this industry likes to make we female rappers feel like we have to fit a certain mold in order for anyone to accept us, but I’m here to tell you that’s not true.

Never do what they want you to do. Trying to fit in and be like what’s already out there is never gonna work for you. You know why? Because that is what worked for THEM. You have to figure out what will work for YOU. Other than that, you’ll just be a carbon-copy.

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