Davey Crocketts Ghost Band Interview with Muzique Magazine

Davey Crocketts Ghost Band Interview with Muzique Magazine
How did you come by your stage band name?
Jake Harris: The band name is a fun story, so buckle up. My best friend, David Willis, gave me a stiletto knife one year for Christmas because I was living in a shady part of town in Fort Myers, Florida. Now, one drunken night, I thought I was the fucking king of knives, so I challenged the ghost of Davy Crockett to a knife fight. I lost, but I got to keep the name. That night, Davey Crockett’s Ghost was born.
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
Gabe P.: I discovered my love for music the first time I picked up my guitar. I use music to channel what I’m feeling and it’s really therapeutic for me. Not to mention I love making music people can connect to. I’m really excited to pursue a career that I make things people can connect with to get through whatever music has done for me.
Jake H.: I discovered my love for my craft when I was around 13 years old. My love for music and creating it comes from my aunt, my best friend, my hero. She inspired me to never stop writing and creating music for myself and others.
To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
Jake H.: My style, I owe to myself. Fashion has always been something I’ve loved. I have been; however, inspired by a few. One of my best friends since my early teenage years, Tifany, her older brother I always looked up to and his style has always been impeccable. To Abdy Guevara: thank you for inspiring my style and for being someone that I have always admired and strived to be like. Some other inspirations include Harry Styles, Tommy Lee, and Elton John.
Gabe P.: I say my style is like a Frat boy listened to too much Panic at the Disco and is still a little angsty because his mom told him he can’t Juul in the house anymore. My brother and my mom have had a huge influence on my style. I love staying up to date and looking good in clothes that don’t need to be super expensive.
On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?
Jake H.: The concept of Excalibur came from my love for the tales of Old England. Of Merlin and King Arthur, and the knights of the round table. Sword-fighting, dragon-slaying, fair lady-rescuing, and all-around stories really sparked my imagination at a young age and they always stuck with me.
What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
Gabe P.: I think the greatest challenge I face is dealing with anxiety. It can sometimes be a struggle concentrating or it can really have my doubt if what I’m writing or making is good. Although because I’m constantly thinking about music, I always ideas to try when we sit down and right. I also want everything to be as perfect as it can be, so fans never have to worry that our music is anything less than dope!
Jake H.: Some of the greatest challenges have to be healthy, whether it be mental or physical. Type 1 Diabetes sucks and so does depression. My greatest attribute has to be my motivation, my “keep working until it’s done” attitude.
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
Jake H.: Comparing yourself to other people will always get you nowhere. What I can say is that I am the only me there ever will be. That’s that.
Gabe P.: The only thing that’s perfect in this life is landing a sick kickflip on your Tech Deck. In all seriousness though, Jake and I are never satisfied and we always want to improve our music. I think if you believe you’re the best, then you’ll never grow. Great music is all about evolving and getting better.
What are your plans for the near future?
Our plans for the near future are to play shows, write more music, eat some good food, and show love all around the globe.

Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?
Jake H.: I’d like to give a shout-out to my family, they mean everything to me and always cheer me on. To my father, John Vogel, for being the best role model, for teaching me how to learn, to be open-minded, to love. Kodaline said it best when they said “I wouldn’t be where I am without a father who showed me I can face all the bullies at school and taught me how to keep my cool.”
To David Willis, my best friend, for always pushing me to be a better musician, a better man, and an all-around better human being. To Zeus Da Don, the best boss anyone could ask for, for putting up with my bullshit and for inspiring me to create.
To my aunt, Medea Beauvais, my best friend, my hero, for being the reason why I do what I do, for standing up for me, for sparking my passion. To every single person who worked on Excalibur with me, for helping me bring this project to life. Much love to everyone.
Gabe P.: I’d like to thank my parents and family for giving me the opportunity to learn an instrument and have an open environment to be creative, while also being supported. I’d like to thank THE BOIIIIS Nate, Jon, Boston, Cam, and Storm who have always had my back, encourage me to fully send it, and are guys I can rely on.
Huge shout out to Jake for becoming one of my closest friends and convincing me to join him on this crazy journey we started as a band. Bar down, buddy. I’d also like to thank everyone at Zeulympus and the people Jake and I work with for being incredibly supportive and never given to us. Finally, most of all, I’d like to thank my brother.
He’s always been my biggest supporter and encouraged me to go after my talents no matter what. Dudes my best friend and I wouldn’t be where I am without him. Love you bud. Also thanks to all our fans I can’t wait to meet you guys and share some of our upcoming projects with y’all!
How can fans find you?
On Instagram @daveycrockettsghost. Check out our album “Excalibur” on all streaming platforms.
What suggestions do you have for other artist like yourself?
Keep working hard. Get it done!