Hailing from Bellville Texas, singer/songwriter Amel Rose is ready. After moving to Los Angeles to pursue a career in music, the crooner has linked up with international music producer/songwriter DJ Fredy Muks. Together the two are cooking up a collection of Pop, soul, R&B musical magic fusion, made for the generations.
The soulful highly anticipated debut singles “YOUR STORY” & “ATROCITY” shares the life and experiences of AMEL The 2 records are already getting amazing reviews at private listening events and Amel is ready to share with the world. For the health and safety of Amel’s fans, all public appearances and performances have been moved to later dates to be announced.

How did you come by your stage name?
My real name is Emily Rose, and I always loved the name Amel, so I switched the two and created Amel Rose.
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
It started when I was a young girl, probably 4 or 5, my grandmother would always sing to me before bed, and I used to always play her vinyl on her record player when I would get home from school everyday.. I would write poems and songs in the journals she gave me, which really exposed me to different eras and styles of music! It’s always been apart of me and there’s nothing else that brings me more joy. I couldn’t see myself doing anything else at the end of the day!
To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
The first person that comes to mind is my grandmother(may her soul Rest In Peace). She was always put together with her sense of style, and her elegance. Another extension of inspiration would be Candice Swanepoel, she’s free-spirited, stylish, and overall elegant
On your future project, how did you come up with the concept?
I believe it’s my responsibility to introduce myself first to the people, on my first released project. So this project is an intro into my life experiences and thoughts.
My single Your Story is really my story with where I’ve been.. Who I’ve been..and the person I’ve become.
What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
I get really hard on myself sometimes because I want to do my best. That might slow the process down sometimes, but many times the outcome is very very very good. Overall, I’m a very driven person and I enjoy making music, so at the end of the day it doesn’t feel like work!
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
There are many many greats in every field, my music is part of me and I’m the best at being myself, and I don’t think anyone can beat that. Lol!
What are your plans for the near future?
I have 2 singles out right now, Your Story and Atrocity. ( Available on all streaming platforms) I have 2 more singles coming out in the next couple of months, which is part of the broader project that I’m working on with a few very talented and great collaborators from around the world.

Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?
First off, DJ Fredy Muks.. without him none of this would be possible. He really is making a lot of things happen for me and pushes me to do my best. I think it was God’s plan for us to meet. He really is making my dreams come true. My sister Miranda, for quitting her job and moving from Texas to help me stay on top of things. I’m so grateful that I can have my family behind me for support even though there are so many uncertainties in this industry. They keep me grounded and remember why I am doing this.
How can fans find you?
Link below takes you to everywhere you can find me and my music.
What suggestions do you have for other artist like yourself?
Practice practice practice your craft, ask questions from the ones ahead of you, do as much personal research on the things you want to do, be thankful for this gift and do all if with Love always. Be safe and keep creating.