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Pop Dance Artist, Tim Gatty, Talks About His Sense of Style, Upcoming Projects and More.

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Pop Dance Artist, Tim Gatty, Talks About His Sense of Style, Upcoming Projects and More.

Tim Gatty is a young artist who has been described as a new inspiration in the pop dance genre. Tim’s style and creativity give his tracks a unique and iconic feel. In a short time and without any form of promotion, Tim’s latest track, ‘Some Love’ has gained massive attention from pop fans all over the world.

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How did you come by your stage name?

Honestly I don’t remember! It’s a joke, haha. More seriously it’s been my nickname for years so I didn’t want to invent another one. A lot of people know me and call me Tim, so I’ll continue my career like that. That’s good, right? (Lol)

When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?

I have always liked music and dance, even when I was a kid. If you see my photos from 20 years ago you will see that on many of them I have a toy in hand to act as a microphone and I take myself for a Lol pop star.

My family understood this very quickly and had enrolled me in music and singing classes. Then I stopped those classes. And it took me 23 years to finally decide to record my first singles for a large audience. Besides, This is a very important moment in my life.

To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?

I don’t know if my style reminds you of other artists. For me it’s pop. I’ve had periods in my life where I only listened to pop on the radio. Then there were other periods when it was more like a rock.

On your upcoming project, how did you come up with the concept?

Mm-hmm… I will say that about my last single “Some Love” I wanted to remind the world that we all need love deep down. And it doesn’t matter what age, sex or sexual orientation. For me, LOVE rules the world.

Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?

Honestly, no. But I’m working on it. Nobody’s perfect, right? (Lol) As long as you enjoy what you do, it’s the most important thing.

What are your plans for the near future?

In 2020, I would like to record another single or maybe an album (lol ?). It’s complicated to know today but it’s planned anyway, don’t worry!

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Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?

Definitely! My family, my best friend, and my boyfriend. They support me despite the fact that sometimes I am hard on them (they will understand lol). And of course all the professionals I’ve worked with on my two singles.

How can fans find you?

On social networks of course!


And the link to listen « Some Love » on streaming platforms :

What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?

Humm… To believe in yourself, in your project and your music! This is the most important things in my opinion.

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Alfred Munoz Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Real Estate Professional

Alfred Munoz, is an American Army Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Real Estate Advisor with over 20 years of experience in the Music Industry, Leadership, Management, and Branding.


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