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Michella Filipowitz: Transforming Lives Through Advocacy for Children with Disabilities

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Michella Filipowitz: Transforming Lives Through Advocacy for Children with Disabilities

When Michella Filipowitz left Miami for Sydney, she knew the move would present challenges. However, the experience of raising her son, Benjamin, who has autism, as a single mother in a new country brought unexpected difficulties. Instead of feeling defeated, Michella used these obstacles as motivation, co-founding the DR Family Foundation to support children with disabilities and their families.

As a model, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, Michella has made it her life’s work to champion inclusivity and advocate for children with special needs. After becoming a single mother at just 23, she faced the trials of her son’s autism diagnosis head-on, and it was this experience that ignited her passion for helping others. The DR Family Foundation, which she co-founded, provides children with disabilities access to education and resources that they might not otherwise have.

One of the foundation’s central goals is ensuring that children who need it most receive help with school fees. Michella is also currently working on a project to build a shelter that will provide a safe and supportive space for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. “We’re not just building a shelter,” Michella explains. “We’re creating a community where children can grow, be supported, and find a sense of belonging.” Set to open next year, this shelter will offer more than just housing—it will provide stability for children in need.

Michella’s empathy stems from her own journey. “I know what it’s like to face these challenges as a parent,” she shares. “I want to bring awareness and help change the way our community sees and supports children with disabilities.” As a mother, Michella has witnessed firsthand the isolation children with special needs often experience. She recalls the heartbreak of watching Benjamin sit alone while other children played together, a sight that spurred her advocacy efforts to create real change in both society and the school system.

“The support system for children with disabilities in Australia is not as strong as what we had in Miami,” Michella reveals. “Finding a school that would take my son was one of the hardest experiences I’ve faced.”

After numerous rejections from private schools, Michella grew increasingly frustrated. These schools often claimed they lacked the resources to support children like Benjamin. “It was incredibly disheartening,” she says. “But this only reinforced my belief that children with disabilities deserve to be integrated into society. Segregation is not the answer.”

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Michella believes that inclusivity starts with education. She dreams of a future where classrooms embrace diversity and teach children to value and respect each other. “Children don’t choose their circumstances,” she says. “It’s our job to make sure they feel included, supported, and valued.”

Her time in Miami left a lasting impact, particularly when she saw how a nurturing school environment allowed Benjamin to flourish. “He went from being non-verbal to speaking, reading, and growing in ways I never expected,” Michella recalls. Her experiences in Miami solidified her belief that integration and inclusion lead to better outcomes for children with disabilities.

Recently, Michella’s perseverance paid off when Benjamin was accepted into a public school in Sydney. “I cried tears of joy,” she remembers. “The principal told me that other children with disabilities were thriving there, and I felt so relieved that Benjamin had found a place where he could belong.”

Michella’s long-term goal is to see all children with disabilities included in the education system, learning and playing alongside their peers. She knows that change will take time, but through the DR Family Foundation, she’s committed to making this vision a reality.

Beyond education, the DR Family Foundation is expanding its efforts to create opportunities for children to engage with one another. The foundation is set to launch a soccer team for children with disabilities, giving them a chance to play sports and build friendships in a supportive environment. “Sports can be an incredible way to bring people together,” says Michella. “We want these kids to feel like they’re part of something special.”

Through her own experiences as a mother, Michella has learned the value of community and support. Her journey has inspired her to help other families navigate the complexities of raising children with disabilities. “Benjamin has taught me more than I could have imagined,” she reflects. “He’s shown me what true strength and resilience look like.”

To follow Michella Filipowitz’s inspiring journey and stay informed about her work with the DR Family Foundation, visit her Instagram @princessmichella.

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