Meet Model & Influencer Hannah Palmer
Hannah Palmer is an American Fashion model & Influencer with over 2.2 Million Instagram Followers. Today she answers our quick fire questions exclusively to Muzique.
The first thing I do in the morning is…
Have coffee
The last thing I googled was…
Why does my dog smell like fish?
If my days had one extra hour…
I’d give myself an extra hour of me time
The best beauty advice I ever received was…
Always wear sunscreen and moisturizer
My desert island beauty product is…
When I’m stressed…
I spend time with my dog
When my self-confidence has taken a hit…
I get dressed up and go out
My guilty pleasure is…
Reality TV
My most memorable career highlight was…
Modeling for Beach Bunny
When it comes to working out…
I focus on being healthy, not looking good
A career achievement I’m dying to check off is…
A campaign or a runway show
If you looked at my desktop you’d see…
Too many shopping tabs
My most memorable travel experience was…
Visiting Tulum
I’m dying to splurge on…
A Chanel bag
One thing people don’t realize about the fashion industry is…
Somehow both more inclusive and more negative than most people realize
My favorite place to shop is…
The best advice for looking great in a photo is…
Know your best angles
My most treasured possession is…
My dog
My biggest fashion regret is…
Fila shoes
One thing I wish people knew about me is…
I’m incredibly extroverted, I love to talk to people
Follow Hannah Palmer On Instagram @Hannah_CPalmer