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Meet Canadian Fashion Model Shannon Uskin

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Shannon Uskin


Meet Canadian Fashion Model Shannon Uskin

Shannon Uskin, a 26-year-old model from Toronto, Canada, embarked on her modeling journey at the age of 19. Initially pursuing modeling as a hobby, Shannon’s passion quickly transformed into a career as she traveled and shot for various brands around the world. In September 2020, she signed with B&M Models, leading to her landing prominent features on multiple storefronts for a Canadian clothing store and other major campaigns for brands including Guess, Ralph Lauren and Select Clothing. Shannon is now focused on expanding her portfolio in swimwear, fashion, fitness, and lingerie. Today we interview her about her career, journey and future plans.

1. Can you tell us about your journey into the world of modeling and what initially inspired you to pursue this career?

My journey in modeling began as something I thought was “fun” it was not long after doing some shoots I was reached out to shoot a campaign for a popular fashion brand in Toronto Ontario. Being around other creatives with a passion and drive that also had similar visions inspired me to turn it more into a career. I have always had an interest in Fashion, art and travel. Modelling seemed to be the perfect outlet for me to combine these together and express myself. 

2. What challenges did you face as a self-starting model, and how did you overcome them to establish yourself in the industry?

The biggest challenge I can think of was probably staying true to myself and not getting absorbed or trying to fit in with my surroundings rather than just being my authentic self. 

Taking the pressure off myself. And thinking more in the way of being the best version of myself rather than just trying to be “the best.” I do not want to feel the need to “fit in” nor be liked for something I am not. If I am being 100% myself regardless of the outcome that’s what matters most to me.  

3. How has your experience shooting e-commerce for various brands helped shape your modeling career and professional growth?

My first e-commerce shoots were so important when it came to growth and shaping my career today. I got more of a feel for how the industry is, connecting and communicating with other models, photographers etc. being inspired by those around me or who have more experience in the industry. Also getting to know myself better and becoming more confident on set. 

4. What motivated your decision to sign with B&M Models in Toronto, and how has this agency contributed to your success in the industry?

B&M Models felt right to me. Being a boutique agency they really put in time and effort with each of their models and have numerous years of experience in the industry including international placements. 

When signing with an agency can be a huge decision in your career and there can be a lot of uncertainty. B&M models really pushed me and got me started on the right path. They gave me the direction and experience I needed being new to the industry.  

5. Could you share any memorable moments or highlights from your career thus far? 

I would have to say seeing photoshoots or the final product. Seeing myself on a company storefronts/ walls/ in and around the store. The same as on websites. 

More of a life experience but I would have to say the locations of shoots and the relationships you make with people from all over the world that I would not have got to meet if it wasn’t for this opportunity. 

6. As a model who has worked with diverse brands and on various types of shoots, what changes would you like to see in the fashion industry?

Uniqueness. Brands that aren’t afraid to be different or put more work into creating something that is their own and not doing what everyone else is. 

7. What are your aspirations or goals for your modeling career moving forward, particularly in terms of the types of projects or campaigns you hope to pursue?

Moving to the United States for a change and new experiences. Working with brands that give me more of a voice in terms of shooting/on set. To work with a variety of different kinds of brands keeps things exciting and new!

8. What is your daily morning routine? 

Mornings are my favourite time of day I start the day early around 7:00AM. 

Shower, light breakfast then out the door for a morning ice latte and a walk. For as long as I can remember I have always gone outside first thing in the morning it really sets the tone for the day to me. Then I get right into a workout. 

Simple but I love it 🙂

9. Who are some of your dream clients to work with and why?

Guess, Ralph Lauren. Both these brands show character and have their own personal style that is well displayed in their campaigns. 

Nike. I have always been a Nike girl from when I was younger playing sports to now. Doing a fitness related campaign would feel true to me. 

10. Looking back on your journey as a model, what advice would you give to aspiring models who are just starting out in the industry?

Be strong minded, believe and have confidence in yourself, follow your heart!

Follow Shannon On Instagram @shanuskin !


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