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Marilyn Hucek shares a deep story behind her new single “Memories”

Marilyn Hucek shares a deep story behind her new single "Memories"
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Marilyn Hucek shares a deep story behind her new single “Memories”

Marilyn Hucek is a fashion blogger turned singer-songwriter. She worked for 5 years in the NYC corporate fashion industry before acting on her dreams of becoming a singer. Born in Washington D.C., Marilyn currently resides in New York City.

Thank you for taking the time for this interview. When did you start writing music? Did you know initially you wanted to do this professionally?

Thank you! I started writing music when I was little. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact age but I always used to write lyrics and songs in my diaries. Whenever I was sad I remember I would sit on the floor, sing and write a song sometimes crying!

It was my way of making myself feel better I guess. It was something that came naturally. I never thought much about it, I just did it! I still have journals from 5-6 years ago with lyrics and songs in them. I recently found them when I was cleaning my room at my parent’s place. It was pretty fun to stumble upon.

Truthfully I ALWAYS dreamt of being a singer. When I was little my mom would create a stage for me, and I would lip sing to the Spice Girls, Ace of Base, Brittney Spears, etc. My brother would be the production guy and flick the lights like a light show and my sister would be a background dancer.

When I got older I would perform karaoke all the time. I started singing when I was 10 in organized singing groups like honors chorus and went on to be on the Madrigals team in High School. In college, I took solo singing, and when I moved to New York I hired a private teacher.

I always had the idea in the back of my head to be a singer, but I was shy, and the circumstances and situation around me made it difficult to pursue. There was a time when I thought I would give it a go. I auditioned for the Voice and didn’t pass. I thought at the time that meant I wasn’t good enough and “gave up” so to speak.

It wasn’t until recently that I approached music with a whole new heart and perspective. It wasn’t about comparing myself to other people or trying to please anyone else. I was solely focused on the music I was creating. I was really excited about my voice and my songs, and that was enough for me. I didn’t NEED someone to tell me that I was good enough, which I needed before. That was the difference this time, and I think a very necessary character trait in order to pursue music seriously.

We loved your first single “Memories”. What’s the story behind it? Talk to us through your creative process.

Thank you so much! The song is dedicated to my father who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease when I was 16. During the global pandemic, my dad contracted Covid-19 while living at a nursing home. When I heard the news I immediately moved home to be with my mom, and family.

His symptoms were getting worse and he went to the hospital. We were all so scared, and it was especially hard because we couldn’t visit him in person due to the coronavirus. I honestly thought I might lose him, and that he might not be able to battle the virus.

Simultaneously my family was fundraising for the“The Longest Day ”, an Alzheimer’s Association event, and my sister created a marketing campaign that resurfaced memories of my father pretty much every day. The memories along with my dad having coronavirus triggered an emotional release which resulted in the song Memories.

The lyrics popped into my head one day as I was looking at a picture frame of me and my dad. The frame had the phrase “Memories of a Lifetime” engraved in it. It’s these types of encounters and experiences in my subconscious that usually inspire and take part in the birth of my music.

For this song particularly I was really scared and sad, and naturally, to make myself feel better I started singing and this song came about organically. It was a very emotional time that truly affected me personally.

The good news is that my father miraculously recovered, and my first song came out of the experience.

Marilyn Hucek shares a deep story behind her new single "Memories"
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What artists inspire you the most?

Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Brittney Spears, Maren Morris, Lorde, Miley Cyrus, Adele, Amy Winehouse the list goes on.

Let’s talk about the musical side. Do you have any specific songs or sounds that influenced you while composing the song “Memories”?

As this was my debut single I was really trying to hone in on my sound as an artist. For this song, I knew I wanted it to be a pop and singer-songwriter with a country flair. Since the song is about my Dad and memories I wanted it to have a nostalgic vibe, all while being uplifting. It’s sad but happy at the same time because there’s a theme of love, understanding, and acceptance.

Many people also know you as a fashion blogger. Do you see a connection between the two – music and fashion? Some people consider fashion as a form of art. Do you agree with that statement?

Yes, I started my fashion blog 5 years ago! I definitely see a connection between the two. For starters, you have to be comfortable putting yourself out there and not caring what other people think! Fashion and pop music also go hand in hand from a trend perspective, and culture. That is why it’s not a coincidence that I am passionate about the two.

Yes, music and fashion are both forms of art. They both have a lot of history and are used as a means to express oneself or idea through creativity. Music and fashion are also a means of identity that’s very integral for personal development and communication.

We could also see the combination of music and fashion in your music video. For those of you who haven’t seen it – Marilyn turns into a mermaid! Do you feel like music, in general, might be a surreal world for a lot of people – helping them to escape reality?

Thank you for watching my music video! Music is definitely an escape and fashion in some cases as well. Music can set a mood, and it can allow people to cope with feelings or feel invigorated! Music is magical!

What are the most beautiful and challenging things about being a musician?

The music is beautiful! You can’t live without it. It’s one of the most vulnerable things you can do. It’s like placing your heart on a platter and giving it to the world to either stab at or admire, but it’s rewarding.

It makes me feel so happy and excited. Making music is addicting! I just want to keep creating as long as my mind and creativity allow me to. I’m still learning the ropes of being a musician, so I can’t say for sure what all the challenges are. But I’m sure the lifestyle can be tough especially for an emerging indie artist like myself to support myself solely as a full-time musician.

Another challenging aspect is managing myself and taking care of all the business aspects. It’s important to work on the business side of being a musician but not lose focus on the creativity part. You have to be multifaceted to be an indie artist for sure! Luckily my years as a fashion blogger have prepared me for that.

As you mentioned, the last word of the song serves as a friendly reminder to always be optimistic and face challenges with a positive lens. Do you think that’s what helps you achieve your goals and being more and more successful?

Definitely, I would consider myself a very positive, and optimistic person. My friends and family can attest! It has helped my family cope with my father having Alzheimer’s. It’s such a terrible disease but you have to find the humor in it or else it will bring you down as well.

I’m also a very competitive person, I played collegiate soccer for four years and am very goal-oriented. Over the years starting my own fashion blog, and influencer account has trained me to have an entrepreneurial spirit and drive.

What can we look forward to for you in the future?

I’m releasing a new single pretty much every 5-6 weeks and also an accompanying music video shortly after every release. Definitely something to keep tabs on and look forward to! Be sure to follow my artist Instagram account @marilynhucek for all music updates!

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Alfred Munoz Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Real Estate Professional

Alfred Munoz, is an American Army Veteran, Entrepreneur, and Real Estate Advisor with over 20 years of experience in the Music Industry, Leadership, Management, and Branding.


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