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Homicide Doll Interview with Muzique Magazine

Homicide Doll Interview with Muzique Magazine
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Homicide Doll Interview with Muzique Magazine

How did you come by your stage name?

Homicide Doll is my fourth name throughout my two years of making music. The name comes from me feeling like I’m being killed every day when I wake up and I have to go through all sorts of emotions throughout the entire day. It’s exhausting and when you go through this for your entire time you’ve lived and it doesn’t feel like your alive. I’m being played with and I’m slowly dying because of it.

When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?

I’ve always loved writing. It could be stories, music, poems anything with writing I love. So I started really getting into writing music in the 7th grade and of course, I was trying to be like every artist at the time talking about stuff I don’t know about. I feel like now I’ve found my sound and what I can do. I’m not being anyone but me and it feels great to be me for once and not have to pretend to be someone else.

To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?

I have plenty of different styles of music I make so it’s hard to credit one artist for what I do but definitely, the underground music that was in 2015 was a huge influence on what I make now. They made music that I could relate to and that I really liked. So I wanted to make music about what I felt and what I’ve gone through so that maybe people could relate to me.

On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?

So my current project I’m working on was something I wanted to release early this year but it didn’t happen. It’s songs about what I’m currently feeling. It has a lot of emotion into it and it’s not even done yet. All the songs are heartbreaking and I feel like I needed to make this album as some way to express all of this that I keep inside. This album has stories, thoughts, nightmares, and real-life things that I have gone through. It’s going to be my best album yet and it’s also my first solo album.

What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?

My greatest challenge is honestly me. There are times where I can’t get out of bed and make a song. Times where I’m so unmotivated and I don’t have that drive or passion and that can ruin me. It can ruin what I’m working for. Every day is a constant battle with myself and most of the time I’m losing. But I’m learning how to keep going and this doesn’t just go for music this goes for my life as well where I just can’t sometimes.

This is all I have going for me. The only thing that is honestly keeping me here. I need this and I want it so I’m going to keep pushing for this dream and make it a reality. The fear of me becoming a nobody like everyone tells me I’m going to be is what is keeping that fire lit. Dedication is my greatest attribute to my music. When I finally get out of bed and get working I don’t stop until the day is over. Everything is going into this.

Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?

I am not the best at what I do. There are plenty of other talented artist that are doing way better than me. But I’m trying my best and I’m working with what I have and soon I hope I’ll be the best at what I do. Although I do know for a fact I’m better than some people and I know there are better people than me but we all have our thing we do and we keep making music because its what we like to do and we are good at it in our own ways.

What are your plans for the near future?

2021 will be my year. The year I start getting some people listening to my music and I make some sort of a name for myself. I plan next year to put a lot more music out and like I said have people know who I am. I’m doing so much and this is not all for nothing. I believe in myself and that’s what matters I don’t care what people say. This makes me happy and it gives me some sort of purpose so I’m doing this and I’m going to make sure this is my future.

Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?

I want to thank ToyBokz ♡

lilhoppve been nothing but amazing and It means a lot that you support me through everything.

How can fans find you?

If they want my socials I only have twitter and Instagram

I’m also on all platforms so Homicide Doll is all you have to search and I should come up.

What suggestions do you have for other artist like yourself?

Do not be someone you are not. Make the music that you want but if you are going to go for a certain style, make it your own and be yourself. That’s all that is going to matter. Make the music you love and sometime sooner people will come and support you and relate to you.



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