Ashton Henry Is Helping Those Struggling With Finances
Money for many doesn’t grow on trees and it can be a very difficult thing to accumulate. But getting the money and then trying to use it and multiply it is even harder. Understanding how money works is huge, but rarely is anybody able to achieve this. People need to use money to make money, investments are very important and most don’t understand that. That’s why we have Ashton Henry, CEO of Ashton Henry Financial.
Ashton is an entrepreneur and businessman from Grenada who came to the United States later in his life, and today he owns multiple businesses in the country, his most prominent one being his financial company. Ashton has been providing financial services to people in need of it ever since he understood the power of credit and financial literacy. “As long as people have jobs, the willingness to understand money just doesn’t show up in them. But if people understood how important financial literacy is and how useful and valuable it could be, they would easily go for it. That’s what I do. I teach them the power of credit,” he said.
“Once you understand and control your finances, you can pretty much do whatever you want to in your life. You can empower yourself to truly take charge of your life,” Ashton says. This lesson he preaches is what has led to him being labeled as the “Credit King.” It is his ultimate goal to help as many clients become financially free as possible through his powerful knowledge of credit and finances. If you are in need of any help with your finances look no further than Ashton Henry of Ashton Henry Financial. Connect with him on Instagram below.
Follow and Connect with Ashton Henry on Instagram: @ashtonmhenry