Apalosbreeze Talks About Sense of Style, Upcoming Project & More
How did you come by your stage name?
My stage name, apalosbreeze, is actually two different languages. I have greek ancestry and apalos means gentle. My name is basically gentlebreeze.
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
I have been singing for as long as I can remember and making up silly songs since I was a child. In school, I was a loner and to avoid the bullies at break time I would hide in music class, learning how to play different instruments and putting songs together. I finally came up with the music for ‘The Circle’ at the age of 13. The lyrics came later.

To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
This is a hard question. naturally, I have a very theatrical voice and snatched up many great parts in musical theatre because of my voice. I felt like too much of a rebel to sing sweet theatrical songs, as fun as they are so I decided to experiment with different styles.
My albums are a mix of everything really but I try not to sway too far away from pop, else I will never be known to a niche market. Saying that my albums are a mixture of indie-pop, pop-rock, country-pop, and even jazz! My next album also has a classical, orchestral song!
On your upcoming project, how did you come up with the concept?
It’s hard to say. I suppose any artist would say they are not entirely sure what brings on their ideas, they just happen! and you can not rest until the idea mas become a masterpiece.
What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
When my journey began, my greatest challenge was confidence. For a long time, I didn’t feel confident enough to release my music and that is why I finally released my first album at 24. My boyfriend was very supportive and bought me a studio mic and recording equipment so I could finally start recording at home!
Over the space of 6 months, the studio grew and grew as we kept adding to it! At first, there were many tears and a lot of frustration when things just didn’t sound the way I wanted them too. With time, and training my ears, I learned what was good for what and eventually achieved the sound I was looking for… kind of!
My greatest attribute would probably be an eagerness to thrive! I will do well because this is my only option. I do not have the option to settle. Life’s too short for that.
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
I am learning more and more every day, just when I think I know so much. One can never be the best because things are constantly changing!

What are your plans for the near future?
Focus. Focus. Focus. Recently ‘Letter to my Younger Self’ reached 5000 streams on Spotify and this only motivated me to release more!
Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs?
It sounds cliche, but my friends and family, including my boyfriend, have been truly amazing. They come to all of my gigs, take the time to listen to my songs, offer me honest advice even if it isn’t what I want to hear and above all, believe in me. This really helped me believe in myself.
How can fans find you?
You can find all my artist accounts here: https://linktr.ee/apalosbreeze
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6EoHerlentTST0YNudRdXG?si=5GGLtFUmRxGwUN3Z5kxt3Q
iTunes: https://music.apple.com/es/artist/apalosbreeze/1457957855?l=en
What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?
Take your dream seriously but know how to HAVE FUN. Let’s not take away the joy out of our music because we are worried about what others think. I was very criticized for my voice. People made me believe I should change if I wanted to be liked. Take on constructive criticism but also remember…YOU WILL NEVER PLEASE EVERYONE.
Know the difference between healthy criticism and nastiness and do not stop believing in yourself or being yourself! You can always take down songs and re-do them if they are not popular! You can always bounce back! People have short memories, go about your thing and just take it all in. GOOD LUCK!
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