Interview with Angel Milan Beats
How did you come by your stage name?
I actually decided to name myself Angel because a lot of times in my life, I felt like I was chasing negativity & purposely putting myself in negative situations and & there were a bunch little angels around me that I couldn’t see protecting me, making sure I get home safe every night and waking me up to see another day in which I am very grateful for.
After I met my artist Surauchie, she had an older Facebook account name with the name “Milan” in it and I just said out loud “Angel Milan” and it just sounded rich and perfect to me lol……for any artist to say “I got an Angel Milan Beat” just sounds like gold to me lol.
When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?
If I had to be real, I discovered my love for my producing when I took in how much I was creating and NOT getting paid for it lol. I literally create every day non-stop and it is not even for the money. I believe if I really love Kraft, network, and make the right moves, the money will just fall in my lap and from the day it does it won’t stop.
To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?
I’m not actually answering this question I’m just using this box to drop my social media links
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What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?
My greatest challenge will forever be becoming a better person than the person I was yesterday! Every day is a learning process and I can get better at everything and anything I put my mind to.
My greatest attribute when it comes to my work ethic would be my consistency. A consistent attitude toward your Kraft can take you to new levels!
Are you the best at what you do in your opinion?
My name is Angel Milan…..aka A-Money! A-Money is not just a name, its actually a quality. It’s like the grading system, you have A, B, C, D and A is the highest grade, its the first letter of the alphabet, its number 1.
A-Money means your polished, pure, your energy is high quality, and you always strive to be number 1. With all that being said, I am very confident that I am the best at what I do! Keep in mind that everybody can be A-Money, but I’m the first and original A-Money lol
What are your plans for the near future?
A few years ago I ran into a psychic and he told me the reason I wasn’t progressing in life was that I share my plans and goals too much with the world and if I just move more silent, execute my plans, and let my results speak for themself, my life would get better and truthfully I started doing that and life got way better lol. I can tell you to defiantly keep watching and be ready to be amazed at how I’m going to change the game.
How can fans find you?
The best place to find me would be on Instagram and Facebook @ANGELMILANBEATS!
What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself?
For Artist/Producers like myself, my only advice would be to follow your heart, invest, and never give up on yourself. No matter how hard times it will always seem worse before it gets really good!
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