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Jeymon exclusive interview with Muzique Magazine

Jeymon exclusive interview with Muzique Magazine
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Jeymon exclusive interview with Muzique Magazine

Jeymon exclusive interview with Muzique Magazine
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Jeymon exclusive interview

When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it?

When I heard Faneto by Chief Keef, It’s a fire song. But for real I used to freestyle with my basketball team after practice, and they told me I had something special.

I started writing throughout high school but never recorded anything. Being of Indian descent, it’s generally looked down upon to do anything except go to school and get a degree. So I went to University for a couple of years but realized that it wasn’t for me.

That’s when I recorded my first song, and I haven’t stopped recording since. I’m excited to show everyone what we’ve been working on.

To what or whom do you accredit your sense of style?

I give most credit to the people around me, I was blessed to have been around a very diverse group of people, who all had very different tastes. My friends and I listened to Hip-Hop, my Dad listened to classic rock, my Mom was always playing 80’s pop, my Grandparents listened to Punjabi music, and my Uncles listened to a mix of 90’s r&b. If I were to say artists that I sound similar too I’d say my style is a mix of the artists that I look up to. The Weeknd, Young Thug, Kanye West, Bobby Brown, Tame Impala. It’s a weird mix, but you’ll hear hints of all of them in the music coming soon.

On your current project, how did you come up with the concept?

The latest single “Tuesdays In July” was inspired by a night I had when I met this one amazing girl, we had the time of our lives, but sadly I never saw her again after that.

We actually recorded the song a year and a half ago. But I needed to tell this story, and get the feeling out because I know that there are other people who’ve had nights like this, and I want to give them that feeling again. I hope they feel it when they listen to this song.

What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic?

The biggest challenge for me was keeping up with the things around the music. I found it hard to create artwork, banners, market myself, and do all the reach outs for every release.

Thankfully I’m part of a group of creators called Chaos Club Digital. We’re just a group of close friends who are like a second family, and if I ever need something there’s always someone that’s able to get it done.

My best attribute that helps me create was learning how to engineer my own sound. Artists that can record themselves and know-how to mix enough to get a solid demo down are at a huge advantage.

My boy Denton at 2track taught me how to engineer, it makes it so much easier to create quality at a high volume. Sometimes we can pump out 6-8 demos a night, then we keep working at those until they’re ready to go.

What are your plans for the near future?

Plans for the future? To keep creating. I get off on getting ideas out. To me, it’s like a release… it’s almost better than sex, I just want to share my ideas with the world. Whether its the music, the videos, or any of the other ideas I have. I just want to be able to share them with all of you.

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